Chapter 14

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That night, when Simon was actually able to fall asleep (at around 4AM), he gave into the rest that his body so desperately craved, and when he opened his eyes again, he was at Sami's house. Standing in the living room, and unable to move. He heard noise from the left of him, that appeared to be her bedroom, from which she appeared. She spoke no words, and he found that he was mute as well. He reached for her, and she only smirked in response, sitting on the couch in front of him. She stared up at him for a moment, and spread her legs open, the sound of her jeans stretching made his face turn red. She stared again, before grabbing her shirt by the collar, and lowering it slowly. Simon could not help but stare, his pigment getting pinker by the second. In the instant that he blinked, the setting did not change, but Samira was replaced with GOLBetty, staring down at Simon angrily, increasing in size and swallowing him whole before he even had time to react. For a few seconds it was empty darkness, but upon blinking again, he looked up, seeing a giant worm with a crown, pulsating and vocalizing, before the surprise of the vibrant face and ear piercing call of the Cosmic Owl.

Simon snapped awake, breathing heavily, once he had calmed his breathing down, he took a moment to listen. Hearing similar vocalzing to the giant worm in his dream. He ripped off his cover, seeing his legs and torso covered in smaller versions of that dream worm. He yelped, falling out of his bed.

"I didn't even say anything!" she looks up from a book
"I know you, whenever there's a bit of silence, you call my name and ask me a question." He smiles at her
She shuts her mouth sheepishly

They spent the next month taking Simon's advice and being friends. It was undeniable that these two had chemistry, however, Samira had learned her lesson, she treaded lightly with her flirting, and did her best to not let her feelings and her body take over her decisions. Although, this did not extinguish her interest in Simon and his thoughts, feelings, and his past. Especially the things he's done. Or the people he's done.

"So ask." He sits and leans back. Looking at her with those eyes, smirking.
"Fine." She pouts "I was going to ask if you're willing to talk to me about your sexual history,"
His smile fades "What about it?"
"Like, are you a virgin?"
He doesn't answer for a second "No."
"Oooooh," she seems impressed by this, although he was somewhat confused as to why.
"Why are you shocked?"
She shrugged "You seem so wholesome,"
"Oh you'll learn," he spoke in a flirtatious and somewhat threatening (this is to add to the flirting) tone
"Oh yes I will. I'm excited" she meows
His smile returns "Are you?"
"Am I what?"
"A virgin?"
"Oh of course not!" She laughs
"Oh why is it 'of course not!' For you? But you're shocked for me?" He's laughing
"Because..." she couldn't really think of a reason "I'm...different."
"Oh are you?" He lowers his eyelids halfway
"Yes? I don't know, maybe?"
"You know, sometimes I don't think we're that different," he lowers his pitch and tone, pulling his hands together, so his fingers interlock.
"How many people?" She asked him, his eyes widening then coming back down
"One." He spoke solemnly
"Betty." She stated, already knowing. He nods once in confirmation "Oh..." she trails off and looks away, somewhat embarrassed.
"Your turn." He lands forward a bit to shore his interest. He didn't want the conversation to stop, he wanted to know everything he could about her.
"Umm..." she paused, thinking about what counted as sex "Three...wait no, yeah three"
"Oh wow, not that much more than me"
"Were you expecting a large number Dr.?" She puts her hands her hips
"Well yes, the way you were talking yourself up," he grins
"Ugh, I just.. ugh!" Sami pretends to be upset and crosses her arms. Simon leans back and smiles even wider. She smiled a little as well, she loved his smile.

"Um, I had a dream about you." he blurted out
This piqued her interest. "Really?" he nods "Tell me," she requests
"I'm not certain if it's appropriate."
"We're friends right? So tell me." Simon hesitates "Do you not want me to know?"
"It's not that..."
"So then tell me!" she whined
Simon's face was warm, but he kept it together enough to answer "Okay, well basically it was me standing...and then you were sitting..."
"Simon, please." she stared at him with an incredulous face
"Well, you were." he looks away from her
"Tell me the whole dream," she tilts her head in curiosity
Simon loosens his collar "Well, you had your thumb on you lips, um lifted your head back and showed me your neck, and put your hand around it, and then trailed them both down to your collar and...stretched it down to your..."

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