Chapter 15

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"How about a massage?" He offers to her.
She looks incredulous "You want to give me a massage? Why?"
He shrugs "I don't know, to help you relax, I suppose?" He puts his arm behind his head and chuckles with uncertainty. Even he was unaware of why he was doing this.
She raises an eyebrow "Okay." And smirks at him.
He then follows her to her bedroom where she removes the towel from her back and places it on a chair. She turns back to look at him standing in her doorway.
"Why do you look like I'm leading you to the executioner? Simon, if you don't want to do it, then don't do it."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I want to do it."
"Then get over here," she motions for him to come meet her at the bed "But take your shoes off," She lays face down on her bed.
He sheepishly removes his shoes and joins her at the bed, kneeling to be able to reach her back.
When she had laid down, her shirt had rolled up a bit, showing a bit more of her back than a normal crop top would. Her skin was a bit of a lighter brown than her face, but flawless nonetheless.  He could feel the warmth emanating from her body, and suddenly felt that he was overdressed by wearing a sweater, though he also had a sneaking suspicion that he would have felt overdressed wearing any clothes at all.
"Are you okay with- can I touch your back?" He asked to get complete certainty.
She sighs in mock frustration "Yes, Simon. You can touch my everything." She spoke the last part in a tone that was quite obviously flirtatious, then lowered her head back onto her pillow.
He was used to her being flirty, but this felt different. Like she was giving him access to uncharted waters. He didn't want to admit to himself, let alone her, that he was excited to have been granted permission.
He reached down and placed his hands on her back, and gently began applying pressure to her bare skin.
"Is this alright?"
She groans "Simon I'm fine. If anything, you should go harder"
Harder. The word rang in his skull like a church bell. Samira wanted him to go harder, and so he obliged.

Up and down the back of her body he went, spending ample time pressing carefully into each bend, curve, and nook. He had skipped her butt (out of respect) and was onto her legs. Honestly, he had never been in such close proximity to someone with so much meat on their bones. How had he not noticed how skinny he and his peers were? He lifts her leg to get to her knees and she giggled at the grabbing of her ankle. Hearing her giggle gave him a silly idea. He started to lightly tap her calves with the tip of his fingers while lifting her leg up. Her giggles grew louder and louder, he even switched legs with a mischievous smile on his face, until her giggles grew into full on laughter, and then he was tickling her everywhere. He was so into it, he hadn't even noticed that he was 2 inches away from being on top of her. But his fingers were on everything, on her legs, on her back, her waist, her neck and....he had to get to her throat. He reached up towards the front of her neck and she lowered her head to stop him.
"Simon.." She whined and giggled a bit more. He reached for her neck again, only to be blocked again and only when he reached for a third time was he able to grasp her throat. Pulling her head up by the throat caused the giggling to stop instantly, replacing it with a moan.
The both of them halted in their tracks, not moving a single inch. His fingers tightened (only slightly) around her throat, causing her to set free another moan; this one louder than the first. Simon removed himself from her bed, reached for and pulled in a chair all in on swift motion, with one hand (as he did not wish to release her throat), at the same time as Samira sat upwards in her bed. He pulled his chair so close to her bed that the furniture was touching, and yet it was still too far away. Samira suddenly made her first move in all of this and stood, with her throat still comfortable in Simon's hand, and sat directly on the man's lap. They did this without once breaking each other's gaze, and the only sounds in the room being the scratching of the chair against the floor and the creaking of the bed frame.
When she sits in his lap, they continue to gaze at each other, Simon's fingers brushing against the skin of her neck, while Samira shivers in delight at not only his touch up there, but his other hand being occupied by keeping her on his lap via her thighs, edging closer and closer to her butt. It was unclear to Samira if Simon was aware that he was doing this, however she had no intention to stop him. They continued to look into each other's eyes without a word until Samira broke the gaze and spoke with heavy breaths.
"I'm so sorry, I never should have let it come to this." She looked down and back up at him, but his gaze remained fixed, only glancing down once at her lips. "I know you said you were figuring things out, and I know you said you're still having complicated feelings about Bett-'' one of his fingers traveled up from her throat and stopped on her lips. She was quiet once more. Simon stared just a minute more, before lifting up her chin towards him and pressing his lips against hers. He pulls back for a moment.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," he speaks in a sincere, hushed whisper
Samira kissed him back with an intensity that was only able to equate to hunger, in fact more like starvation. His hand remained on her throat occasionally tightening, which led to frequent moans into his mouth. She pressed her hands against his chest and it felt harder than she initially thought the first time she'd felt it. But given all the things she had seen Simon do, she wasn't exactly surprised.
Instantly he pulled his lips off of hers and stood. Only after he started moving did she realize that she was moving as well. He had picked her up and carried her over to the bed. She had already found his present qualities attractive, but he was making it impossible to not jump on him at this very second.
Once he placed her on the bed ever so gently, he climbed on top of her to continue his exploration of her body. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her palms against his back. He moved his lips down to her throat, kissing, biting, sucking; which are met with loud and frequent moans. Samira reaches up and pulls out his hair tie. His hair cascades down in front of his face as he lifts his head to smirk at her.
"What's with you and my hair?"
"What? You look so good with your hair down," She smirks back at him and runs her hands throughout his newly freed hair.
He returns to her lips and she turns his hair into a disheveled mess. Instinctively, his left hand travels from holding her thigh up to cupping her breast.
"Yo Samira! You ready to light the town up?!" Marceline opens the door to the bedroom and catches the two geezers in the act, Simon still fully cupping Samira's breast.
Simon and Samira both stop in their tracks, Simon having a delayed response removing his hand.
"Oh, I didn't realize you had company,"
Simon jumps off of Samira with a blush dominating his face. "Simon..." she said his name in a more uncomfortable shell of how she normally said it.
"Marceline..." His blush got even deeper as he looked away in shame.

"Okay, so I need some clarification to understand what the plop I just walked into." Marceline floats in the middle of the living room, while both Samira and Simon sit on opposite sides of the couch like children being reprimanded. "So you two are dating now?"
They both begin saying different things, but they are each different long winded ways to say 'No."
"Okay, okay. But if you aren't dating," she turns to Simon "Then why were you all up in her chops Simon?"
Simon looks ashamed of his actions, moreso that he was caught by what he considered his daughter by heart. But he wasn't sure if he was ashamed to have done it in the first place. Simon wasn't very sure of what he had been feeling for the last few months or so, but these current feelings  leaned more towards the good category.
Samira, on the other hand, knew exactly how she was feeling. Elated, she finally had proof that Simon was at least into her physically. Of course this was not all that she was after, but it was definitely a start; and it oculd have led somewhere else if Marceline didn't have the habit of breaking into people's houses.
"I'm not against it at all, in fact this is amazing. I just wish I didn't have to see it." She makes a face of slight disgust
"Maybe you should learn to knock on people's doors then."
"Maybe I will, when you learn to make smarter moves."
Samira crosses her arms against her chest and leans back. Simon still looks embarassed, and sits quietly on his side of the couch. She glances at him, was he ashamed of having kissed her? Was this all just a big mistake? What was she even doing here with the two of them? Well, this was her house, but obviously that is not what she meant in this instance.
"Simon? Are you okay?" she asked him
He turns to look at her for the first time since Marceline started talking "Hmm? Oh yeah, of course"
Marceline looked between the two of them feeling the tension.
"Okay...well I'm gonna go, but hey not too much funny business. Samira, we have a show tonight." she floats out the doorway, and slams it shut.

Samira continues to stare at Simon, slowly she starts to feel foolish. The longer they sat in silence, the more and more the feeling took over her.
"I-" he lifts his head up "I told you that I couldn't handle anything romantic at the moment."
She looks perplexed "But you kissed me this time."
"I know! I know! I suppose I just...couldn't stop myself. I don't know what to do about my confusing feelings. I don't want to be sitting and waiting around for me to figure out my junk, but I don't know what else to tell you. You can be going and living the life that you deserve. I want you to have what you deserve, but-"
She scooches over to where he's seated "What are you saying Simon?"
He sighs "I like you...and I want to be something with you. I feel this unexplained pull towards you that I can't help. "
"Since when?"
"Since when have you liked me?"
He chuckles lightly "I'm not sure, maybe a few months ago? Maybe your birthday? Maybe since I walked you home the first time? Or maybe since we started reading together. Any of those moments would be a good answer, wouldn't it? But like I said, I'm not really sure. I just know that I've had this feeling for a bit of time."
Samira sat in silence for a few moments "Well, that's great then. You like me and I like you. So now we both know where we stand at least."
He looks to her and nods "Right, but-"
"I know. That's not exactly enough is it?" the corner or her lip turns up slightly "I still like you. So we'll see what happens, okay?" He sits up and she places his hand inside of hers "Okay?"
He nods and wraps his hand around hers, looking into her eyes "Okay, we'll see what happens."

I Want You, SimonWhere stories live. Discover now