Chapter 8

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Samira thought nothing of her birthday. She celebrated it every year, so it mattered to her that much at least. But she had no real emotional reactions to turning a year older every single year. She was however, excited to see the gifts she would get, even at this age. And maybe....she was excited to have Simon over at her house for the first time. He said he wanted to get her a gift, even though she she initially declined it, given that she didn't think that they had known each other long enough to get and give each other gifts. But you can only protest so much.
"Don't be silly, you're my friend," he said with that warm smile
"How are you going to afford to get me something after being scammed?" She joked
Simon grimaces and then gives a small smile "Don't worry about it. Where are we supposed to meet you?" He crosses his arms
"At my house."
"Right, that make sense." He blows a piece of his hair out of his face, Samira smiles back at him

For this birthday, she chose to wear a comfy purple dress, hair down and sorry, but no glasses. Most of these people that she invited didn't even know that she wore them. She wasn't sure if she should be doing work on her birthday, cleaning definitely counts as work. But she was having guests, and she wanted this place to look its best. Marceline, Bonnie, and a few others like Lollipop Girl and Chocoberry and some more were coming to hang out with her as well before they all parted to get ready to head to the Slime Kingdom for a triple-cray rated dance party. In the middle of putting out cups and plates for drinks and food, she realized that she was responsible for planning and hosting her own birthday "party".  She paused to think about it for a moment, brushing off the little voice of disapproval in her head. This was her birthday and she was not worried about with other people might say about how she chooses to spend it.

Not long after she finished is when people started to arrive. First Chocoberry, very notably without Mr. Cupcake, to whom she kept referring, and noting on his absence in a bit of a passive aggressive way, with Lollipop girl. Then Bronwyn, and of course LSP (who wasn't invited, but Samira didn't mind, she kind of expected it, if she was being honest with herself. ) And then came TV and the legendary Finn the Human.
"Hey Samira," TV said "This is Finn the Human, my dad's brother"
"I know who Finn the Human is TV!"
Finn seemed to be social enough, but only superficially "Hi," he said and stuck out his hand for a shake. Samira took it and felt the cold metal.
"Isn't it weird that people still call you Finn the Human, when there's a whole bunch of humans in Ooo now?" Samira questioned, lightheartedly. Finn laughs a bit
"I brought him with me, since he's lonely cuz his girlfriend is on a solo hunt.
Finn elbows TV "That's not-" he sighs "I'm not lonely,"
Samira shrugs "There's no shame," She nudges Finn's flesh arm, "Enjoy yourself. There's cheesy crackers in the kitchen TV"
"Nice," TV spoke casually and headed toward the kitchen with Finn in tow.
Finally came Marceline and Bonnibel. Bonnie came first actually, looking irritated while holding a little box that she handed to Samira.
"Happy Birthday," she forced a smile through her annoyance and puts her hands on her hips
"Thanks B." Samira took the gift "Where's Marcy?"
Bonnie points out towards the distance, where Samira could see her and Simon carrying a large and long box. Marceline also had a long bag on her back.
"I told her we should've left early, so we could get here before everyone else to set this up for you. But since when does Marcy listen?" She clicks her tongue inside her mouth. Simon and Marcy arrive in front of the door fully out of breath.
"Now what were you saying?" Bonnie walked over to Marceline and raised her brow. Marceline just blew a raspberry on her cheek, to which she couldn't help but smile.
"What is this?" Samira asked
Marcy shrugs "Ask Simon. Can you believe that he was actually going to try and bring this here his own?" She takes a deep breath.
Samira walks over to Simon, who is bent over trying to inhale.
"Why don't you sit?" she places her hands on both his arm and his shoulder, guiding him over to a large plant in front of her house, with pot big enough to sit on.
Simon took a while to breathe clearly.
"I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that I'm not a young man anymore." He smiles, still catching small breaths "Happy birthday," he gestures toward the enormous box
"What is it?"
"It's a bookshelf, since you don't have one"
Samira's jaw dropped and her hands flew to her face. "Oh my glob really? Thank you!!" She hugs him from the side without hesitation, and although he is startled for a moment it is not in a negative way. He hugs her back.
"Hey," Marceline floats over "Happy birthday dude," she holds out the box that she had on her back earlier
Samira and Simon part, Samira's hands still slightly around him and she addresses Marcy.
"Thanks, just put it in the house."
Marcy shrugs and walks with Bonnie into the party.
"I have to admit that I didn't actually think about how I would get it into your house." He chuckles
"You can use my back door, it leads right into my bedroom."
With some more heavy pushing, they entered the backdoor into Samira's house.

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