Chapter 5

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Simon hadn't been shopping for clothes in a while, the clothing kingdom had always felt so complicated and so disorganized. It also focused more on the cool futuristic clothes that the humans from Founder's Island liked to wear, and not the more practical and sensible suits that our dear Simon was so fond of.

He was buying some new things for the performance at the tavern tonight, he had this feeling that it was absolutely necessary for him to look his best. So none of his old suits would do. He would need a new bowtie as well. He was stuck between at this moment. Crimson or Scarlet? Hmm. Which one would make the best impression? Between the two outrageous colors, he found the perfect tie. Red.

When he reached the booth to purchase the items, he saw bottles upon bottles of cologne. He bent down and scanned the scents. Pumpkin Spice Tamale, Butterscotch Pancakes, Cinnamon Four-Leaf Clover, Grape Honey Dandelion.
"What are these?" Simon asked himself, he was unsure which scent would the most pleasing, so he grabbed the one with the most appealing words and word combination.
      "Is that all sir?"
He nods simply
"Okay so one, suit, one bowtie, and one Grape Honey Dandelion cologne. I can take your glasses or something of equal value."
"Well, I use my glasses everyday."
"Do you use all of your fingers?"
"I-uh, what?"
"Do you use...all of your fingers?"
The woman begins to look impatient "Hmm...I'll take that." She points towards his neck
Simon touched his throat "My bowtie? But... this is my special bowtie."
"Then it's perfect!" She reaches out her hand
Simon slowly unclapses his tie and hands it to the woman behind the counter, who snatches it up with eagerness and sniffs it.
"Amazing! Have a nice day!"
Simon walks off apprehensively while doing occasional double takes to see the woman still staring and waving at him, unmoving.
"Yikes," he spoke to himself before rushing out of her sight.
Walking through the woods towards the flying boat, carrying his newly purchased items. He glanced around at his scenery and glanced down at some lovely white daisies. It would be the gentlemanly thing to give a lady flowers after a wonderful performance.

Simon bends down to grab the group of daisies, and after a good yank, pulled them from the ground.
"Ow!" a feminine voice yelped "What gives?!" A flower nymph sits up rubbing her head
Simon puts his hands over his mouth in genuine shock "I am so sorry,"
"What's wrong with you?!" She continues to rub her fresh bald spot
"Wh-what, me? Why are you laying on the ground?"
"This is where I live jerk!" She picks up and throws a rock a Simon's leg and returns to underground
"Ow ow ow!" Simon hops around on one foot trying not to drop the things he's gathered. When the pain subsides a bit, he continues on his trek through the woods.
       "Will I ever get used to this?"

Samira had performed many times in her life, but she was unsure if this one would be the most important. After taking a shower she sat in her towel and stared at herself in the mirror. She inspected her legs closely, and lingered on the cellulite on her thighs. Her hands continued up her body and landed on her stomach. A bit bigger than most of the tops that she'd accumulated over the years. Further up her hands went, and she cupped her breasts. Breath control was a bit harder than it seemed with Marcy. Up and up and up, until she reached her hair, she pulled off the towel on her head and her hair fell down onto her shoulder and back. She sat and stared longer. These were performance days. She stood and left the room. Entering the other room in her house, she sat down at the grand piano and began playing lower notes randomly.

       "Ahhh" She sang the corresponding notes from her piano, in ascending order. She continued for an undetermined amount of time, her phone ringing interrupting her. It's Marceline, "Hello," Samira answers.
      "Are you almost ready?" Marceline sounded excited.
      "Uh..yeah," Samira lied.
       "Are you sitting in your towel?"
       "If you don't get here on time, you're gonna miss the surprise that I have for you" Marceline whined. Samira looked at her phone confused.
       "Surprise?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't like surprises."
       "Well, you'll like this one," Marceline groaned then hung up.

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