Heaven is Weird

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I think I drowned. Or maybe I burned? It was something that encompassed my entire being— a feeling I couldn't escape no matter how hard I struggled. In fact, struggling only made it worse. It was a horrible way to die. Even after I stopped being able to form thoughts, my pain receptors shot alarms to my body.

Eventually it ended. It happened in the blink of an eye, or maybe it felt that way because my brain finally turned to mush after all that. One moment I was released from the pain and slid my eyes closed for the final time, and in the other I was staring at a bright blue sky with beautiful clouds. It was a good sight to open my eyes to. I took a deep breath, the fresh air rushing into my lungs.

It was so wonderful. I could smell the grass and a distinctly sweet scent, most likely flowers, just as much as I could feel the dew of an early morning fog. The clouds were exceptionally photogenic. I half expected myself to be trapped in a postcard, perhaps not unlike that scene from Coraline. Instead, when I turned my head, I came across the sight of several old buildings.

It looks like those tourist trap places in K-town , I noticed.

That's probably why my consciousness decided to take on this beautiful scenery. It never mattered how expensive those places were, they got me every time. They were really good, even if they were overpriced.

I took another deep breath in and smiled. Yes, this was a nice place to be after such an awful death.

"You're in my spot," some person said.

How Sheldon of them , I mused. Maybe it was putting in my favorite shows to make me feel better? Sitcoms were always a guilty pleasure of mine.

"Hey, are you listening?"

I sat up and immediately noticed a huge problem.

I'm wearing a dress. Weird choice, brain.

I put the issue on pause and looked up to the kid that was bugging me.

"Sorry, what was that?" I smiled, hoping it would creep him out.

"You're in my spot, Sakura. Move over."

Sakura? My creepy smile slipped off my face.

"Um... What did you call me?"

The kid clicked his tongue. "I didn't say anything bad, I just said your name. Sakura."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Is this because you're fighting with Ino? I know you guys declared yourself to be rivals in love or whatever, but this is a little ridiculous."

I choked on my saliva, rolling over to bow my head and shut my eyes. 

"Listen, whatever your name is, I have no idea who you think I am or what ridiculous declaration you think I made, but I..." I trailed off as I opened my eyes and caught sight of bright pink. "Oh my god."

I tentatively reached out to the long strands of hair and gave a tug. I winced and rubbed my scalp. That's definitely attached to me.

"Um, where are we?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"In the village?" The kid asked with concern. "Hey, stop playing around Sakura. It's not funny."

I lifted my head up. "I'm not kidding. What'd you say your name is? Also, what village? I'm pretty sure I lived in a city."

"I'm going to find an adult. Don't move, or better yet, come with me. We're going to get in so much trouble if you're faking."

The kid has weird hair. Also, does that mean that I'm a kid too? That's weird, I think I remember being older. I also remember being a man, not a little girl with pink hair. Heaven is extremely weird.

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