Dishwashers Don't Exist But Movie Theaters Do

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I woke up because my arm was throbbing. Let me give you a chance to process that. The nurse said it would be sore, right? That it might hurt a little? Tell me why (ain't nothin- can't get distracted) it feels like I got stung by a scorpion? I groaned and tried to bury my head deeper into my pillows. Shifting that small amount made a metaphorical bucket of ice water splash over my head. I'm wearing a pad. Oh my God. I whined against the pillow, wanting to get up while also wanting to stay right where I was. Eventually my need to go to the bathroom won out. This is actually fucking terrifying. What if the shot didn't work? What if when I try to casually go pee, blood just starts falling? Is... Is that how this works?

I should have paid more attention to my mother. This is what I get for never seeing women for more than a few dates. To be fair those dates were always super platonic. Well, to me anyway. Wait, what was the point again? I shook my head, finally lifting my head off my pillows. I squinted, having forgotten to close the blinds. It wasn't very bright out. It was probably early evening, so dinner time. My stomach rumbled in agreement. After some eternal debate, I forced myself off the bed. I had things to do. Like existing as a normal human being.

Getting up was awkward and so was walking. I was constantly aware of every shift in fabric. I honestly couldn't wait to hop into the shower. When I stepped into the rest of my house, I was greeted by fresh air. It was a definite improvement from the stale air that greeted me, but it was also concerning. I completely forgot to close my balcony door. I hurried over to lock it, wincing as I caught sight of my plant. I really hope it'll bounce back.

I finally made my way to the bathroom, eagerly launching myself into the shower. I forgot how nice it is to be in my own home. Wasn't there a saying for overstayed guests? Guests start to smell after three days. Or something. Either way, it's true. I feel like I'm finally getting rid of a dusty cloak. For once, it's a relief to stand under the stream of not-quite-warm-enough water. The bathroom is dark. I can barely make out the shapes of my shampoo and body wash, but I like it this way. The darkness is a comfort in a place like this.

I also took comfort in finally being able to use my own shit. Things that I actually wanted. Before missions, we always have to use scentless products as a precaution to any trackers. I missed the strangely comforting smell of pine needles and tree bark. Konoha as a whole was filled with comfort. Wave was salty and stifling, but Konoha smelled of morning dew and gave comfort to all who lived there.

It's sappy, but it's true. I turned off the water and hurried to change into clean clothes. There's really a lot for me to do. I should put it down onto paper though, so I don't forget anything. Definitely furniture shopping. I have to clean the fridge and buy groceries. I think I wanted to do a wellness check on Naruto, so I have to figure that out. I'll probably have to make meals that he can just freeze and microwave, so that he actually eats something other than instant ramen. There was probably more, but this already feels like too much to chew. I towel-dried my hair as I went out into my kitchen, frowning at the empty walls. This place is super depressing. I sighed and grabbed a few trash bags from under the sink, already aware that I'd have to throw away pretty much everything. This is the only reason I miss preservation additives.

I cringed every time I caught a whiff of the various things I was throwing out.  I had moved some things to the freezer, but even they looked bruised and suspicious. I was all too eager to make the trip downstairs to the heavy-duty trash cans. As long as this stuff gets out of my apartment before it has the chance to start leaking. No one was out and about, which is beautiful. I can't imagine speaking to anyone right now. First stop: groceries. I pat my pocket, now free of any gear. Just money. Maybe I should have at least brought my weapons pouch. No, no, it'll be okay. It's just the village. Fuck, it's going to be a pain getting this much shit. I don't even know where Naruto lives.

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