D-ranks are the Equivalent of Boiled Potatoes

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You have no fucking clue how sore I was when I woke up. It was like a truck had parked right on me while I was asleep. My mood was sour right off the bat, a fact that was in no way helped by the fact that I woke up at four in the morning. I must have cursed Kakashi's lineage to high hell at least thirty times before I got out of bed.

I, unhappily I'd like to stress, went through my morning habits. I showered, brushed my teeth, changed, and got money from my savings because I didn't have time to do the shopping I had wanted to. Fuck that white haired shit stain. I had a life to live without him interrupting it with shoddy 'teaching' methods.

The earliest to open shops typically did so at six am, which I still had an hour and a half to get to. I spent my time listing things I needed to buy and estimating how much money it would cost. If I had the time, I'd like to see if I could pick up any jobs before I had to be at the training grounds. It's insane that obtaining a job has impeded my ability to earn cash. The only good thing was that I could start picking up solo D-ranks once I had a month's experience as a genin.

I should also hit the library for some self-study. Lord knows Kakashi's not gonna put that kind of effort into us.

Am I judging the guy too heavily? I don't know, and more importantly, I don't care. I'm stressed enough what with the money business and the fact that I have to kill people for a living. You'd think a village of this nature would offer a support class or two, but no. You just have to be cool with it.

I waited for it to hit six am before I left the house. I did grocery shopping first, then house appliances, then breakfast. By then I only had so much left of the budget. I have to have shinobi grade clothes, but that costs a lot of money and I'm certainly not getting any through the job I'm supposed to have. I have one more clean set of the dress outfit, which means I definitely have to do laundry today no matter how tired I am.

Getting shinobi clothes is going to be a couple of hours by itself, so I can only hold my tongue and hope Kakashi does an actual lesson plan today. What would that even look like? Would he focus on the basics, like feeling your chakra and commanding it through your body, or would he start with physical conditioning? I think I'd do a week of review and chakra exercises before moving onto physical training.

I still had a good chunk of time (about an hour and some change) before I had to meet with my team, so I went over to the library. I wasted my time making hypothetical  training plans instead of learning anything new, so go me. Whatever, if I have to ditch Kakashi I won't suffer for it. I hope. God, I hope he's just hazing us. I hope he shows up on time one day and goes 'you've passed the psychological conditioning, congratulations. Now we begin to train your bodies.'

Except less creepy. That last line sounds like a child molester about to commit a crime. I shook my head and put away any books I didn't read before folding the notes I wrote and sticking them in the folds of my clothes. I could tempt the world and show up late again, but I didn't like the idea of giving Kakashi the chance of showing up on time and punishing me for doing something a fraction as bad as he normally does.

I ducked through the crowds, dodging any dull-yellow haired person I passed. Just in case. I'm not scared, okay? I just don't want confrontation. Especially because it'll either involve lots of yelling or tears from Mother Haruno. It's perfectly reasonable, I'd say. I don't have to worry as much about Papa Haruno. He's the only other person in this damn village with pink hair, and even if he wasn't, it's an extremely memorable shade of pink. It's dusty and dark with sun exposure. Plus it's fucking star shaped. I think he did it once to make me (her) laugh, mildly succeeded, liked it, and kept it.

I mean, more power to him. Considering how cut throat the civilian world is, I'm impressed he's survived with it this long. You'd think Mother Haruno would have forced him to undo it. Maybe enough people like him that everyone just accepted it. I could totally see that. Father Haruno is exceptionally extroverted and welcoming, so I doubt anyone would even have the heart to make fun of him.

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