Kakashi Deserves to Trip on a Rock

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I awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling. The sight of it made me grin. I was free from the Haruno household. This thought stayed throughout my morning routine. I left my apartment twenty minutes earlier than I usually would. Realistically I didn't need to, but I still had to pick up breakfast. I hadn't had the chance to shop for the necessities yet, but I was determined to do it before tomorrow. I had a spring in my step as I went through town, only to freeze at the soft strands of Sakura's hair that brushed my neck with every bounce. I blinked slowly, automatically moving to tie it up. And then I remembered.

There's nothing stopping me from chopping it all off. I grinned fiercely and eagerly changed my path, running to a barber shop that was a bit close to my apartment. No way I trusted myself to do it. Not well at least. I calmed myself down by the time I opened the door, unsurprised to see it mostly empty.

"Hello," the owner greeted me with a smile. "How can I help you?"

"How much for a haircut?" I asked.

"Depends. Trims are 20 yen, full haircuts are anywhere from 30 to 50 yen." He said, wiping down a station.

"I want to cut off my hair," I said determinedly. I picked up a magazine off of the front desk and flipped through them quickly. I stopped on something heavily layered but still short. "This one, please."

He looked at the picture with a raised brow. "You sure, miss? That's a big change."

I nodded, a firm expression on my face. "I'm certain of it."

"Alright. Go ahead and sit, then. I'll go get a razor."

He wouldn't be shaving down as closely as my world used to, it just wasn't in style here, but he'd certainly make my hair much closer to my scalp than it was now. Sakura's hair had inherited her father's volume and her mother's texture. Although her hair was thin, it was plentiful, so combining it with her father's volume left it to look great. The texture could use some work, but I cared more about making it look good to me than making it soft.

The barber asked me one last time if I was sure I wanted to cut my hair like that before I affirmed that yes, I do and he started cutting. Watching the hair fall onto the ground was definitely cathartic. I didn't look into the mirror in front of me until the barber told me he was done. I stared and stared and stared until I couldn't remember what I looked like with Sakura's long locks.

"Thank you," I breathed out, an invisible weight lightening upon my shoulders. I brushed away the short pieces of hair that stuck to me despite the cape I'd been given. "How much do I owe you?"

"40 yen," he hummed, cleaning his tools.

I gave him 80. He thanked me and told me to come by when I needed a trim. I smiled at him and left, energized by this new development. I shook my head, happy with how light I felt. I made my way to the convenience store to buy a sandwich and some fruit. I also got a cup of oatmeal to which I put brown sugar and sesame seeds. I got pineapple and apple to go with the random assortment of food. I also grabbed a water bottle and a smaller carton of juice.

I checked the clock and saw that I still had a bit of time before I had to be at the training grounds (like fifteen minutes) so I sat at one of the plastic tables offered and ate my purchases. I greeted the store owner with a warm smile while I finished eating. I wondered how my teem would react to my new haircut. If anyone hurt my feelings, I wouldn't hesitate to punch them. Child or not.

I wiped at my mouth with a paper towel and finished my water bottle before tossing everything in the trash. (Minus the bottle of course. Never mix trash and recycling.) I saw the clock and realized I only had seven minutes to get to the training grounds. I recalled Kakashi's tendency to be hours late and shrugged. I think he'll show his face at ten, at the earliest. Figuratively. I don't think a man as insane as Kakashi would ever actually show his face. I bet he's horribly scarred from the chin down.

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