Being 10 is the Worst

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Six hours and two scoldings from mother Haruno later, I could confidently say that this world is entirely fucked. The kid I happened to overtake? She's training to be a fucking ninja. How insane is that?! An honest to god ninja. Not only that, but apparently everyone here had some avatar level abilities. She wrote a whole entry on what her chakra affinity could possibly be. Apparently fire was the most common because this was, un-creatively named, the Land of Fire.

Except my body bag was a first generation Land of Fire resident and her parents were immigrants from a tourist town called Spring Villa. She speculated between water and earth affinities, which alright, were a little intriguing, but mainly concerning.

The worst part of absorbing all this information was the backlash I got. It was like this kid's memories were melting into my own. Half of the time I found myself thinking 'oh yeah' when I was reading entirely new information. It's obvious that the kid was a bit of a nerd thanks to the hundreds of books in her room, but experiencing it first hand was a fucking trip. I got excited over pressed flowers for no fucking reason before the kid's extensive knowledge on them slammed into my brain and gave me a migraine.

The kid was fucking smart, that was one certainty. I could question just about anything and an encyclopedia of knowledge that I never learned would insert itself into my thoughts. It was a little scary and super impressive. As impressive as the little super genius was, she was still subject to hormones and right in the thick of the worst parts of puberty.

I saw a grouchy little brat at the market and thought, 'wow, that's a rude kid', before Sakura's feelings of affection rose to the surface of my existence. 'Sasuke Uchiha' my mind provided, and dammit it sounded dreamy. It was the worst thing ever. I objectively knew that this skinny bastard was an annoying kid that I instantly disliked, but Sakura's crush on him was so huge that I still got a little flustered around the damn menace.

I really should have expected this, given that both journals had a substantial amount of shit written in them about the kid, but I really didn't think it would be this bad. At least I was getting used to it, enough to actually be able to ignore the brat. It was disgusting to feel that way, especially towards a child. I'd never been with anyone in my past life, but that was because I never felt the urge to be.

I'd never fallen in love or lust, and that was just fine by me. Now something I couldn't control was making me rethink everything I was sure about in the past. I never wanted children in my last life. Sakura's journals are full of future fantasies of being married to Uchiha and having four or five kids to raise while still being a 'super kick butt kunoichi'. It was a little nauseating when I remembered that I was her now.

I started going to school the following Monday. Shikamaru had, evidently, spilled the beans on my state of being. I didn't particularly care, I was intent on ignoring everyone in the room but the instructor. I was getting better at ignoring Sakura's lingering feelings, too. I caught sight of a blond girl that I recognized from Sakura's private diary (I found out that Mebuki, Haruno's mom, read the other one) as her 'rival in love' , Ino Yamanaka.

Sakura's instincts felt the need to compete with her, but I swatted it away. She was a child, I am an adult. There's no way in hell I'd stoop down to a level that low. Catching sight of Sasuke didn't make me pause anymore. There were still some involuntary feelings around, but they were getting easier to ignore by the day. The unfortunate side effect is that I was really starting to hate the brat, and by extension, all the other brats that made up the rest of the class.

Children. They were fine when I was one too, but god fucking damn did I miss slamming drinks back at the bar with my buddies. I liked kids to an extent. I liked being the fun uncle that took em on their first hike and got them the stupid toy their parents saw no point in buying. I didn't like having to be around them 24/7 with no fucking break.

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