Kakashi's Bell Test

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I woke up with a yawn, blinking the sun away from my eyes. For once, I got a decent night of sleep. I'm glad it happened today of all days. I'm sure Kakashi has something stupid planned for us to prove ourselves to him. I wonder if he would find anything we did good enough to become actual shinobi. If not, there was always the medical route for me. I think Naruto and Sasuke would be a bit crushed, though. I sighed and slipped out of bed to change into flexible clothes. Afterwards I started braiding my hair and pinning it to my scalp.

I would prefer to just chop it all off, but I think I'll wait until I'm out of Mother Haruno's house to make it easier for myself. Initially, I had planned to wait five years, but I just can't handle it. I'll do it as soon as I have my own apartment. A letter telling me whether or not I've been approved should be delivered to the house soon. I'd have to make sure I got it before my parents did. Speaking of... Once I got ready, I quickly ran outside and checked the mailbox. Nothing yet. I went back inside to get my weapons pouch, something that I really wanted to improve but currently didn't have the budget for. I tied everything in place and started doing some light stretches in preparation for a morning run.

After some consideration, I took a bit of money to buy myself breakfast. Fuck Kakashi, I'm going to eat and not throw up. I started my morning jog, intending to go around the entire village at least once. I think the most I can run is three and a half laps, which isn't bad for someone who's only been halfheartedly trying to improve their endurance. This was only a warm up to my work out though, so I intended to keep it light. I ran around the village and greeted anyone who greeted me, careful to keep my breathing even. I had worked up a light sweat by the time I finished my lap and found myself back in the civilian market. I took advantage of this by heading into a convenience shop where I picked up a water bottle and some yogurt with granola. After some thinking, I picked up some pre-packaged pork musubi.

It's not the healthiest breakfast, but it'll work. I jogged to the training grounds team seven was assigned to. Unsurprisingly, I was the only one there. I'd left the house at around 8:30, so I assumed it was about an hour later now. I settled in to do some more intense upper-body stretches and some simple exercises. I always see people working on their dexterity and accuracy when it comes to throwing, but I haven't seen many people actually work their body out. That's what I focused on for now. I worked on building core strength and doing the same things I used to do in my old life. Maybe I'd invest in some weights eventually. I took thirty second breaks in between every set I did, though I couldn't exactly time them.

I was doing burpees when Sasuke got to the training ground.

"What are you doing?" He asked distastefully, his outfit much different than mine.

Oh yeah. Shinobi clothes and work out clothes are very different. Damn, I'd have to buy different outfits. Father Haruno had bought me three outfits, but they all consisted of spandex shorts and a 'battle dress'. The name itself seemed ridiculous to me, but it would work for now I guess.

"Working out," I panted, dropping down into a pushup position.

"Why? You're just going to waste all your energy."

"The grind doesn't stop, my guy."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"It means I'm not a quitter, Sasuke!" I finished my last burpee and breathed heavily through my nose. I took a long gulp of water and wiped the sweat off of myself. "What time is it?"

"10:55," Sasuke said, still visibly confused.

"Cool. I'm going to head home and change." I dug through the grocery bag and took out the yogurt.

"I bought three pork musubi- musubi's? Whatever, I bought three of them. You can have one if you want," I gestured to the bag.

"Kakashi-sensei said not to eat," he pointed out, as if I was stupid. Like, honestly dude. I was there when he said that.

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