If You're A Fish; Run

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Kakashi woke us up ungodly early the next day.

"Sakura, for the last time, nine am is not early. At all."

"The hell it's not," I hissed.

Naruto nodded along with me, just as tired.

"You two are children," Sasuke said haughtily.

"Oh, shut up you actual child. You're the definition of terrible twos."

Sasuke spiked up like a cat, his shoulders hiking up to his ears.

"At least I'm not-"

Kakashi's hand muffled whatever Sasuke was saying, his long suffering expression turning prickled and irritated.

"Don't say that kind of thing," Kakashi glared, pinching Sasuke's cheek. "Bad."

"See, Sasuke? Clearly you need a snickers."

"A what?"

"You know! A bar of chocolate but inside is a layer of caramel, peanuts, and probably cookies too."

"That sounds absolutely disgusting."

"Just like your ugly face?"

"Ooh, burn! Just like the ones your kid-self got on your hands," Naruto cackled.

"Stop encouraging her, Naruto."

"Stop stifling my artistic energy, old man!" I snapped, my vision blurry with sleep.

"Oh? So I guess that none of you want to start working on new skills today."

"Shut up you morons," Sasuke hissed.

He really is just a cranky cat. Not a cute one, those old ones with huge shoulders and skinny legs. His fur probably isn't even soft. His ears are probably way too big for his face. Goofy guy.

Damn. I want a cat. No, no. I can barely take care of the plant I have on my balcony. Oh my God, my plant! Is it okay? I watered it before I left but it's been days. Oh no. It's already been nearly a week, how much longer can this mission take? My precious groceries! My plant! My-

Actually there isn't much more than that. I've yet to go furniture shopping and I only have those things to be mindful of. I blinked, turning my head to the left.

"Did you just shove me?" I questioned Naruto, a little betrayed.

"You were looking off into space," he shrugged.


"Thanks, I guess," I mumbled.

He grinned, visibly much more ready for the day than me. Damn him and his ability to manifest sunshine. Mostly, damn morning for coming at all. I shouldn't have slept so late, but I got used to waking up in the middle of the night to check on Kakashi. Not that I could get a good night's sleep in an unfamiliar area. It doesn't help that Naruto moves a lot in his sleep. Why am I a light sleeper? I used to sleep like a rock.

Another drawback I've inherited from Sakura's former existence.

"Don't fall behind," Kakashi's idle voice brought me back to the present.

Shit, when did I start moving? Guess I've been subconsciously following the team. I have to get my head in the game. I wish I had a way to listen to music in this world. I'd totally be listening to Welcome To The Jungle right now. That's always the intro to some sort of training montage, right?

"Alright. I'm going to work with Naruto first. In the meantime, you and Sakura need to read over this scroll. It goes more into detail about the mystic palm jutsu. Naruto, follow me."

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