Sam Contemplates Murder

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Four days drag on forever. Maybe it was my refusal to eat anything but ration bars that made it so unbearable. Or maybe it was the feeling of foreboding that had been haunting me for the last week. Something was happening, and it would explode in my face soon. I just knew it. It was enough to make my skin crawl. I could only hope that it would wait until I was in the privacy of my own home. I'm just grateful that Naruto and Sasuke are too hyped about going home to notice I'm tense as hell. I physically can't imagine having to answer any of their possible questions.

I can't believe I have to be on the road for another day before I get to shit in my own toilet. I think I might actually cry. I rubbed my hand down my face, ignoring Kakashi's questioning look. If this goes as badly as my gut is threatening me it will, he'll wish he never wondered. I glanced up at the sky and seriously projected my thoughts out into the heavens. Please, let me get home before you hit me with this. I shivered at a sudden gust of wind. Shit, I think I just jinxed myself.

Each time we ran, my heart pounded faster and faster. As if to taunt me, the strongest wave of cramps that I've felt hit me as the village gates came to sight on the horizon. My jaw tightened and I struggled to focus on signing in. I needed to rush home, and once I made sure everything was okay, to the store. Then to the hospital so I can stop this madness before it starts. I passed the clipboard to Naruto and was about to speed walk away when Kakashi grabbed my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked pointedly.

"Home," I replied flatly. "You know. The place I live?"

"We have to report to Hokage-sama," he said, as if I should just know that.

"What? No, I'll just write a report and submit it to the mission's desk," I waved away, prepared to leave.

"The mission was reclassified. We have to report directly to him."

In the distance, I heard a clap of thunder. Oh God. Is this because I was such a brat at the start of this mission? A cramp seized my thigh, as if taunting me.

"How long is this going to take?"

He shrugged. I scowled at him and made an impatient motion with my hand.

"Hurry up, then!"

"Sheesh, Sa-chan's being bossy," Naruto huffed.

I glared at him, too uncomfortable to snap out a comment. The walk to the Hokage's office was the most anxiety-inducing thing I've ever endured. Each step I wondered: am I about to start bleeding? Going up the stairs to his office was the worst. I honestly thought I would die. I let out a sigh of relief when we were finally admitted into the Hokage's office. Standing still is safe, right? Nothing can happen while I'm unmoving? Right. That's logical.

Tell me why, about half way through Kakashi's explanation of why we decided to assassinate a man, he stopped and sniffed the air. Actually, let me tell you. Because he smelled blood. My dear friends, can you connect the dots? Sasuke and Naruto couldn't.

"We're not hurt," Naruto said with confusion.

The Hokage coughed, his mind instantly connecting the dots.

"Er, Haruno-kun?"

I'm sure my face reflected the utter mortification I felt. Kakashi glanced from the Hokage to me. His concerned expression turned to horror. Oh my God. I'm actually about to fucking cry.

"Sasuke-kun, Naruto-kun, you're both free to go," the Hokage said graciously.

I can't even move, I feel petrified. This is so fucking embarassing. After the two left, Kakashi was still stiff as a board. The Hokage cleared his throat.

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