Proof That Kakashi Hatake Has A Heart

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Like I expected, our stay at Tazuna's home had become a little monotonous. The food was repetitive (which I honestly can't complain about), patrolling the town yielded almost nothing, and Kakashi was still knocked out. It's been four days. He at least hasn't gotten sick again,  but come on. Just wake up already. Sasuke made a breakthrough with the chakra scalpel yesterday. It was currently at a 'dull blade' quality, but it was better than he'd managed so far, so I count it as a win.

Sasuke didn't seem to agree. I had to talk to him about managing expectations and telling him that it was unhealthy for him to expect he'd be able to master everything effortlessly. It's a tired road, one I'm trying to get him to avoid. It was hard wanting to help, if I'm honest.

Sasuke and Naruto are exhausting, each in their own insufferable way. Naruto never shuts up and complains if he's not constantly doing something, which I get is normal child behavior, but holy shit does it grate on my nerves. Sasuke's an entitled prick with high expectations that translates into grandiose expectations that cause a meltdown every time he fails to meet them.

I'm simply not equipped to handle them. Pre-teens and their goddamn feelings. Even worse, I can't shunt them off to their parents, because they're dead! So we have two extremely traumatized young boys with almost zero experience in properly taking care of themselves and a teacher who doesn't teach or nurture. I need a vacation from this team, it's too emotionally draining.

Currently I was sitting on the back porch, simply breathing in the cold, salty, air and trying to forget how much responsibility I took without a second thought. I had nothing to stimulate my interests. I picked one book and I've read it thrice over, not that I could read it a fourth because Sasuke has taken it hostage until he masters the stupid hand knife technique. I tried to braid my ninja wire and immediately got three thin cuts on my fingers.

I'm too lazy to go inside to bandage them, so I just had my hands pressed against my stomach. Whatever, my shirt can suck it. I could feel the pout on my face just as much as I could feel the stinging in my eyes from my refusal to blink. Unfortunately my staring contest with the ocean was cut short when a heavy hand pushed my head down.

"What the he- oh my god I'm so happy you're awake." I slumped over, not fighting the weight of Kakashi's hand.

I was surprised to find just how much I meant it. Okay, yes, I've been complaining about it this whole time, but I didn't think I'd want to cry at the sight of Kakashi. He hummed noncommittally, looking particularly worn down.

"Are you okay? I tried my best, but I'm not trained and I was busy with the boys, and I had to keep them out of the room whenever I gave you medicine, but they're nosy bastards-"

"You did fine, Sakura. I appreciate it, really. Wait. You gave me medicine?"

I furrowed my brows, looking up at him. "Of course I did. And food that you wouldn't choke on. I don't want you to die. You're... the team leader."

"Hm? Didn't you hate my guts before all this? All I had to do to get you to like me is pass out?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be an idiot. I still think you're a shit teacher, but you're our mission leader. More importantly, you're a person from Konoha. I wouldn't not help."

"...and my face. You saw it?"

"No, Kakashi," I said sarcastically. "I filtered everything through your mask and tried not to waterboard you."

"Brat," he huffed. "You said you stopped Naruto and Sasuke from being in the room when you did this?"

"Yup. You're welcome by the way. Now they won't know you have a major case of dog-breath with none of the cute that accompanies it."

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