Protocols Exist for a Reason

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"Kaka-sensei!" Naruto cheered, barely restraining himself from throwing his arms around Kakashi's waist. To his credit, Kakashi waited a few seconds before forcefully removing him.


Ah, Sasuke and his famous one-word replies. Never change. Kakashi turned to me expectantly. I heaved a sigh and propped my elbows onto the table.

"We did five D-ranks before running into a genin team from Sunagakure. After an unpleasant conversation, I realized the three are the current Kazekage's children. The eldest, Temari, was the mediator of the three but seemed unwilling to convince her younger brother, Kankuro to de-escalate. It wasn't until the appearance of who I assume to be the youngest, Gaara, that they backed off. Kankuro had been taunting a Konohan child for running into him and trying to leave without an apology. When Gaara arrived, both the oldest and the middle child grew subdued and fearful. I assume the youngest is being groomed as the successor to his father's title and has significant control over his siblings' lives."

"They were picking on a kid?" Kakashi asked in shock.

"Yeah!" Naruto piggy-backed. "That Kankuro guy was messing with Konohamaru!"

Kakashi's concerned face turned pale instantly.

"They were messing with the Hokage's grandson?" He hissed.

My jaw dropped. Naruto's teaching that perverted shit to the Hokage's grandson?! Oh my God. Wait, no. The Kazekage's children terrorized the Hokage's grandson in our own village. Holy shit, we're so dead for not reporting this.

"What didn't you three report that to someone?" Kakashi gaped. "There's protocols for this!"

I shrank back. Ninja guidebook, 'foreign nin behavioral guidelines' section J passage 28 A. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to leave. Shit, I should have followed the rules. I didn't even stop to consider what this would mean.

"I forgot that rules existed for this," I grimaced, looking away uncomfortably. "I apologize. I'll report it to the corresponding offices after dinner."

It was still early enough for people to be in the office. Kakashi's stiff posture melts away as he hunches over and rubs his temples.

"Look," he says, voice tense and almost strained. "I didn't mean to... snap. Just make sure you handle this."

I'm a little surprised he bothered apologizing for being right. Or as close to apologizing as Kakashi was likely to get. Either way, I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"I will," I assured with a nod. "Does this mean the Kazekage's in the village already? Or are the three with their jounin sensei?"

"Jounin, thankfully. Foreign Kage are set to arrive the day before the last task." Kakashi paused drumming his fingers against the table. "Just don't go spreading that around. Or if you do, tell no one you heard it from me."

We nodded and fell silent as the waiter returned with a ceramic tea kettle and four teacups, quietly asking Kakashi if he'd like to order an entree. Sasuke poured himself a cup first before passing the kettle to me. I don't really like tea, but I can be polite and at least pretend. I passed the tea kettle to Kakashi, who poured and passed to Naruto, and watched as Naruto sniffed the small amount of tea he poured with skepticism. He sipped it like a wine connoisseur and scrunched his nose at the floral taste. Felt. Unexpectedly, he poured more tea and did it again, this time tilting his head. I glanced at Sasuke. He was quietly enjoying his own cup, eyes slid shut.

I glanced at Kakashi. He glanced at Naruto who scrunched his nose again but almost imperceptibly smacked his lips together and poured more tea he clearly wasn't really into. Kakashi caught my eye again, a silent question in his eye. How am I supposed to know? I narrowed my eyes. Kakashi shrugged, looked at Sasuke, then back at me. That's just normal Sasuke behavior. I waved him off. He looked at me and down to the cup of tea in front of me. Not a chance. I frowned. Kakashi glanced down to his own cup. Same, I understood.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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