Chapter 3

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After Jacob left that afternoon, I found myself missing him after about 5 minutes. I missed him warmth and his "jake smile" that always sent tingles of warmth through me. I missed him even though I knew he would be back later and be in my bed with me tonight.

I flopped down on the couch. I never realized how boring of a person I was without Jacob. When jake and I first started hanging out, I couldn't be alone. I hated being alone. It gave me time to dwell on Him. But now that He was fading like an old scar, the only thing I had to hate about being alone, was being bored out of my mind.

A light rap on the front door brought me from my thoughts. Who could that be? Angela would have called, I don't talk to Jessica anymore, and the boys were all at the rez.

I shrugged and got up from the couch with a small groan. I opened the door the find someone I never thought I'd see again.

"Alice!?" I asked, not believing she was standing at my front door.

"Oh Bella! Your alive!" She said with relief. I looked at her with confusion. "Your future has been coming and going. Some times I can see it, other times I can't." she explained, walking pasted me into the house.

I thought for a moment before flinging myself at her and grabbing her in tight hug. She tensed in my arms and turned her head away. I let go and saw the pained expression on her pixie face. I looked closer and saw that black had replaced the usual gold color of her eyes. She hasn't fed yet.

"Sorry" I muttered. She smiled and waved a hand, dismissing my apology.

"It's fine, I just put off feeding to come here to make sure you were okay. God Bella, when your future first disappeared it scared me to re-death!" she said, taking perch on the arm of the couch. I ran a hand through my hair, still trying to get over the fact that Alice was here. In my house.

I saw her wrinkle her nose is disgust. "Agh, what is that smell? Its smells like wet dog." I looked at the ground before glancing back up at her sheepishly.

"It's probably me." I said. She looked at me, confused. "Because I've been hanging out with Jacob..."

"Who's Jacob and what does he have to do with you smelling awful?" she asked. Jeez Alice your killing me here. I thought she would be the one to know about her mortal enemy.

"Jacob is my boy- my best friend. And well...he's... sort of a werewolf..." I admitted quietly and saw her raise her eyebrows when I corrected my self. Even though I wasn't wrong the first time. "The boys from his tribe all turn into werewolves when vampires are around. It started a long time ago...back when Carlisle first came here."

Alice looked at me for a moment before taking an un-needed deep breath. "Well there's the cause for that putrid smell." she muttered under her breath. "But it doesn't explain why I can't see your future.." she frowned, her small face scrunching up slightly. I was still waiting for her to comment on the boyfriend thing, but it looked like she wasn't going to bring it up. For now.

She thought for a moment before speaking again. "How long have you and Jacob been "friends?" she asked, putting extra quoting on the word 'friends'

I shifted uncomfortably. "Well we've been friends since we were kids. But we hadn't become this close until a couple months ago...after..." I trailed off, not able to bring myself to say it.

She nodded in understanding, "After Edward and us left." she finished for me softly. I flinched at His name. "What about the werewolf thing?" she asked.

"About 2 months, along with us getting...more closer." I told her.

She glared at me. "A new werewolf? Do you have any idea how dangerous they are Bella? Gah! I never would have left if I had known you would let those dogs become your new monsters." she spat.

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