Chapter 14

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The light peaking through the slightly parted navy blue curtains in Jacob's room shadowed over my eyes and warmed my skin. I opened my eyes and the imprint of what happened the night before swirled through my waking mind.

    Loving words whispered in my ear, soft caresses fluttering over my skin. A few tears of the first pain rolling down my cheeks being kissed away by warm lips and sweet words.

    A small smile tugged at my lips and I shifted in Jacob's arms so I was facing him, making me aware of the slight soreness between my legs. I winced and wondered why it hadn't healed. I shrugged it off and put my focus back on the beautiful man in front of me.

    His tan skin took on a light tone from the leak of sun coming in the room, and he looked so much like the boy I had grown up with. His hard, calculating features, were now soft and child like. It seemed like all the responsibility of being alpha disappeared when he was asleep and showed the boy that still lingered beneath the mask of power. I reached out and slowly traced his relaxed features, his skin soft under my touch.

    I stopped with my hand at his cheek where I cupped his face in my palm. I smiled when his hand came up and settled on top of my mine. His eye lids fluttered open to reveal the chocolate pools that lay beneath them. We locked eyes and he pushed the imaged of last night into my head, making his own lips lift up into a wide smile that showed off his white teeth.

    "Good morning beautiful." He rumbled, his voice thick with sleep. I blushed a soft red and buried my face in his chest, trying to hide the embarrassment that the, very vivid, pictures he was showing me, gave me.

    His chest shook with a deep chuckle and his tree truck size arms came around me and pulled against his body. I stiffened and pulled my head from his chest.

    "Uh Jake? I think we should put some clothes on...what if Billy walks in?" I said, gesturing between us. He nodded and we got up from the bed reluctantly, neither of us ready to leave the warm confinement of the bed.


    Days passed without anything exciting, just the usual sightings of Victoria dancing around the borders between the reservation, teasing the two groups of monsters that ached for her death.

    Things between the pack and the Cullens' had become a lot better. It wasn't as tense as it had once been during training sessions. I even caught a couple of the boys joking around and play fighting with Emmett. It completely shocked me that the hate that once flowed so strong between them seemed to have vanished, like it had never poisoned their hearts. All because a war that was coming. I didn't approve of the way they made peace, but I didn't object, just as long as they weren't at each others throat, I guess I could except it. Why fix something that's not broken?

    Through those days though, I didn't see much of Jacob, and I had been at my own house. Jacob had stuff to do, he had to make sure the pack was ready for anything Victoria threw at it. So I was stuck at home, with Charlie, when he was home.

    That had been a bit awkward at first. We had the, "So your boyfriend is werewolf and so are you and you guys have some kinda of wolfy mojo between you two" talk. Charlie being the awkward man he was, and me being his daughter, made that conversation quite interesting. Then I had to beg him not the have the birds and the bees talk with me, because I really didn't need that. Like really. That was something I didn't need to hear from my dad. Ugh, gross.

    Now I was heading down stairs for some food, my new diet sure was going to be expensive. I was at the bottom step when I finally saw him. He was standing by the door, looking as if he was deciding whether to bolt or not. He had dark blue jeans on and a grey t-shirt that hung a little loose on him. His hair was tousled as always and his gold eyes were now burning into mine.

    "Edward." I sputtered with wide eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest and I started to feel the intrusion of the boys against my mind. I slammed down my mental wall, they couldn't know he was here. I had to talk to him, it was time.

    "Bella." his velvet smooth voice answered. He looked so strained, and saw it in his eyes. The fight to keep neutral and in control.

    I gave him a small nod, silently telling him I was ready. I went and sat on the love seat, him sitting on the couch, his body turned towards me.

    "I'm sorry about...flinging you." he apologized. I smiled at that and shook off the apology. His lips quirked up into the crooked smile that used to my legs weak and a flash of pain shot at my heart. I would miss that smile.

    You love him." he stated all of a sudden. I nodded, a small smile at my lips. "Do I still have a chance..?" I could tell he already knew my answer, but I guess he wanted to hear the words.

    "No, Edward, you don't." I told him softly. "I let you go, and we're imprinted..." a growl made me snap my head up. I saw the pure fury in his eyes and he bolted to his feet.

    "He imprinted on you?!" he asked incredulously. I stood up too, meeting his angry gaze full on.

    "And I on him. We were meant to be Edward, please don't try and get in the way." I said calmly, letting a warning dance in my tone. He opened his mouth to answer, when I felt a hard pushed against my mental wall. I stumbled a bit and Edward caught me, staring at me in concern.

    "Bella? What's wrong?" he asked me, looking me over for anything that might help him. I pulled up my mental wall and heard one of the things I never wanted to hear.

    "Bella! Jacob...he went after Victoria! H-he's not responding...we think...we think he's dead..."

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