Chapter 6

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After the meeting,  everybody just hung out a little before the boys said their goodbyes and  Jake took me to get some sleep. And sleep is what I did. I got nice and  cozy next to Jacob before I fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep. Only  to be woken up about 6 hours later.

"Bella, wake up honey. Its time to go." Jacob said softly as he shook me. I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head.

"Go away." I mumbled. I was not ready to leave the warmth of my bed to go see the family I once wanted to be with.

"No. Get your cute ass  up. You wanted to come so get up before I drag you out." He threatened. I  wasn't sure if he was joking or not. But I decided not to wait and see.  I moved my pillow off my face and pulled on a sweater I jacked from  Jacobs closet. I had just slept in my clothes because I thought it was  useless to get into pajamas if I was just going to change out of them  again.

"There, now that wasn't  so hard." He said, walking over to the window and opening it. I stared  at him confused. Then it clicked in my brain.

"I am not jumping out of  that window Jacob Black." I said flatly. Somewhere, deep in my mind, I  knew he would catch me with ease. But my panic wouldn't allow me to  think that without a fight.

"Bella, I promise I will  catch you. Hell if you want, I can get Embry and Quil to help if that  makes it easier. You know we can't go out the front door. Please Bella,  trust me." he pleaded. I sighed, he was right. This was the only way out  of the house.

"Okay." I said. He  kissed my cheek lightly before jumping out. I looked out a minute later  and saw him, Quil, and Embry waiting for me. I swallowed. I am the girl  who hangs out with werewolves and vampires. This should be nothing. I  put my legs out the window so I was sitting on the edge while my feet  dangled over the side of the house.

"Come on Bella, we'll  catch you." Embry said as all three of them opened their arms for me to  jump. I took a deep breath before letting myself slide out the window  and 15 down. The ground came rushing up, but never welcomed my face.  Three pairs of strong arms caught me with ease before I could get that  low. The set me on my feet and looked at me with concern on their faces.

"I'm fine guys. Thanks." I said. Embry and Quil high-fived each other.

"Bella if your listening, you should know that we would never let you fall without catching you." Embry's thoughts floated through my head.

"I know but I don't know. My just a worrier." I thought back. He looked at me sharply in surprise.

"How?" he whispered. I shrugged and turned to Jacob and asked what the plan of travel was.

"Well you have a choice  of 7 boys on which you can ride on in wolf form. It's all up to you."  Jacob said. I giggled a little at how weird that sounded. I wondered  though, if riding on wolf back would be similar or different from  running with a vampire. I looked up from my gaze at my feet to see that  the whole pack had joined us. Each of them was looking at with me a  silent pleading in their eyes. I went over my choices. Sam would  probably go slow because I was "fragile". Quil would find a way to make  the situation dirty. Paul, I didn't quite trust even though I knew he  wouldn't hurt me. He still hadn't warmed up to me much. So my only  choices were Seth, Embry, Jared and Jacob.

"Jared, it looks like you're the pack-mule for the night." I said as I smiled sweetly at him. His face brightened up.

"Yes! In your faces! I  told you she would pick me." He bragged. I rolled my eyes and Jake gave  me a small kiss before he told the boys to phase.

A minute later, after I  turned around, a dark brownish black wolf came up to me and nudged my  hand. I patted his head before he lowered to the ground for me to climb  on. I swung my leg over the side of him and settled right between his  large shoulders. I looked around and saw Jacob was in front leading,  with Paul and Embry flanking him. Jared was behind Jacob and Quil and  Seth were flanking us. While Sam was right behind me. The formation they  had themselves in made it so Jared and I were in the middle of the  group of wolves.

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