Chapter 11

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I gasped and sat up right in the bed, ignoring the stabbing pain of protest from my shoulders. I dabbed my wet cheeks from the tears. I looked around frantically. Where is he?

"Jacob!" I shrieked. A second later he burst through the door, looking ready to kill. I threw off the blankets that were tying me down and launched my self into his arms, tears already free falling down my cheeks. His arms came around me and his warm hands started rubbing my back.

"Bella, baby what's wrong?" he asked, his worry plain in his voice.

"You-you d-dieddd. He-he killed youu." I blubbered into his wide chest. He held me tighter.

"Honey, I'm right here. That parasite isn't going to kill me baby. I'm here now, I'm not dead. Stop crying sweetie." He whispered softly into my ear, rocking us side to side slowly in a soothing motion. I took deep breaths and slowly calmed down. I thought I had lost him. The thought made me cling tighter to him.

"You are not to face him without me Jacob. Promise me you wont." I told him sternly, not even recognizing my voice now. That dreamed scared me and I had a really bad feeling about it. Something in the back of my mind told me it was more than a dream. Billy's words came back to me, confirming my feelings.

"So to help, the alphas imprint would receive telepathic powers, senses of what the future could hold involving her loved ones, and in rare cases, the spirit of the wolf." Future of her loved ones. This was crazy. I started thinking that there was more danger of vampires then we knew.

Jacobs eyes widened at the new tone my voice had taken on. He had never heard me speak like that. But it told him I meant business. "I promise Bella."

"Come back to bed with me?" I said, looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed my nose before picking me up bridal style and laying me in his bed. He crawled in next to me and wrapped him arms around me tightly. I snuggled up to him and buried my face in his thick neck. One of his hands started stroking my hair and I finally relaxed.

"There you go baby. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." he whispered into my ear. Jacob could give me the warm comfort Edward couldn't. in Jacob's arms, I felt safe, in Edward's, I felt trapped.

"Bella? Is everything okay?"-Embry.

"Yeah are you alright? You had us blocked out there for a while."-Paul.

"Yeah I'm fine, here, I'll show you what's wrong." I told them. I did a run down of my dream to them. I showed them what had scared me crapless.

After they saw, I heard a couple mental growls in response. They all reassured me that Jacob would be fine and Edward wouldn't go anywhere near me. I felt their anger and annoyance at my fear. They we pissed that a dream could do that me. They didn't like me being scared.

"Do you need any of us there to stand guard?" Sam asked. I laughed a little.

"Nah, I'm good. Jake's here. Thanks though." I said. After they were satisfied that I really was ok, I felt them fade away out of my head.

"Have a nice conversation with the guys?" Jacob asked smiling. I nodded and looked up at him. We locked eyes and he leaned down and pressed him lips against mine. I shifted my body so I could access him better. I gripped his hair with one of my hands and brought him down more, deepening the kiss. I felt his hands travel down my body slowly, sending shivers up my spine. They stopped at my hips and rested there before he pulled my hips against him. I wrapped one of my legs around his waist and rubbed it on his thigh. I pressed to him not caring about anything anymore. A low pleased growl rumbled in his chest.

"Mine." he growled before swiping at my bottom lip with his tongue wanting access. I let him in and felt goose bumps rise over my skin. As our tongues wrestled together tingles went through out my body and I wished I could feel this way forever.

Some one cleared their throat from the doorway. I jumped away from Jacob and he groaned loudly. I looked over at the door and saw Carlisle standing there smiling slightly. I covered my face with my hands, completely mortified.

"Looks like someone's feeling better." he remarked. Jacob laughed and pulled me back to him.

"She sure is Doc." Jacob said smirking. I heard foots steps coming to us and Jacob pulled away from me. I looked up at Carlisle reluctantly.

"Sorry." I muttered. His lips quirked into a small smile.

"Its quite alright Bella." he said. Jacob scooted away from me to give Carlisle room to look me over. "Seems you've healed just fine. I'd advise you not to phase for a couple more hours but other than that your free to do anything else."

I got up from the bed and hugged him. "Thank you Carlisle for fixing me."

"Not a problem Bella." he responded. He gave us a small nod and left the room.

"Do you think you could take me home so I can take a shower?" I asked Jacob. Going home meant facing Charlie. Crap! Charlie. What did they tell him?

"Yes and calm down. We told Charlie the truth. It would be hard to lie to him about you being over here all the time." he said. My eyes widened. Charlie knew the truth. I took a deep breath.

"Alright, um do you have any sweat pants I can borrow? And a shirt?" I asked, looking down at the outfit I was wearing at the moment. Which was just one of Jacobs shirts and a pair of his boxers.

He nodded and dug in his closet. When he came up, he threw a pair of grey sweats and a small looking t-shirt at me.

"Thanks Jake." I said smiling. I set the clothes on the bed and started to tug the shirt off when Jacob interrupted me.

"Whoa! Your going to change right now? In front of me?" he asked. I forced back a laugh.

"Yes, is that okay?" I said. I didn't really see why I couldn't. he was my boyfriend. It wasn't like I was going to be completely naked. Man where did I get this boldness?

When Jacob nodded, I took off my shirt and stood there in his boxers for a minute. I felt his eyes roam over my body and I swallowed. He gave a satisfied grunt and I took that as a signal to get dressed. I slipped on his sweats and rolled them up a couple of times because they were a few sizes too big just as the shirt was. It hung on me like a curtain. I didn't dare look in the mirror.

I took a look at Jacob and saw him licking his lips staring at me. I laughed before walking over to him and kissing him.

"Alright take me home Jake." he nodded stiffly and took my hand. He led me out to his bike and we rode home.

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