Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Come on come on! Where is he? I was out in the middle of the forest looking for Jacob, Edward somewhere in front of me. After Seth told me Jake went after that red headed bitch, I ran outside and shifted. I headed straight for the woods outside of town since that was where Seth said they last saw him. I tried many times to contact him through the pack link, but I was answered with a heavy silence that made my heart ache with the possibility of what it could mean.

"Bella!" I heard Jacob yell. I turned in a circle, stumbling over my own damn feet, trying to pin point where his voice was coming from. 

"Bella!" he shouted again. Left. I started running to the left. I dodged all the trees in my path. The wind whooshed through my fur as I ran at an impossible speed, even for a werewolf. Almost vampire fast. My paws pounded heavily on the ground below me as I cleared ground faster than I ever thought I could.

I burst into the meadow where Edward and I used to go to. I saw a flash of grey and red leave the clearing. My eyes then zeroed in on the tan bundle of muscle, laying in the middle of the meadow, taking slow shallow breaths. 

"Sam! Seth! Paul! Anybody! Go get Carlilse! Now! I'm in the meadow!" I commanded into my head harshly at any of the boys that were listening.

 I ran to Jacob's  broken body, phasing when I was a foot away. I dropped to my knees by his head and pulled his head in my lap. I stroked his cheek gently with tears running down my face.

"Jacob" I whispered brokenly. His hard features contorted in pain and I pushed into his mind and took his pain away from him. I gasped at the force of it, but I clenched my jaw. He was bitten, and thrown around, which broke a lot of bones in body.

I looked over him and saw bones poking at his skin in different places in his body and a bite mark on his arm. It was bleeding and puffy, still oozing with venom. 

"Jacob, I'm going to get that shit out of your body okay?" He opened his mouth to protest, but he just gave up, not having the energy to fight.

I lifted his arm to my mouth, and did what Edward did to me not so long ago. I latched on to the bite and sucked. My gums tingled and I felt my teeth fully pierce his skin, giving me better access. 

I sucked hard and kept from spitting everything out. Vampire venom tasted much like tequila did to me. It was a sour lemony taste that burned my throat as it went down my throat. 

Soon though the lemony taste faded and all I was getting was coopery tasting blood. I dropped his arm and crawled away from Jacob to retch. I thought emptying my stomach might keep that shit from killing me.

When I was done, I wiped my mouth off and pulled Jacobs head back into my lap. I wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt tears burn my eyes.

"Jacob, I love you. So much. And when you recover from this, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to yell at you about how stupid you were going after Victoria by your self. Then I'm going to hug and cry, because I'm going to be so happy your okay." I told him, tears falling down my cheeks.

" you...too" he forced out as he closed his eyes.

" Jake no come on stay awake." I begged. He didn't respond. The shallow rise and fall of his chest was slowing down and I heard his heart softly sputtering to keep beating.

"No Jake please. Please Jacob, hold on for me. Just hold on. Please." I begged again. I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind and drag me away and Jacobs stilling body. I saw Carlisle scoop him up and disappear in a flash.

At that same moment, the pack of boys I called my own ran into the meadow and saw Edward trying to calm the sobs that were rocking my body to the core. 

I couldn't breathe...I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that Jacob was possibly dead. Not alive. Not sharing his sun shine with those around him. 

The moment I felt Jacobs life force disconnect from mine, I fell into a black oblivion of nothingness. 

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