Chapter 9

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I didn't know how long I  was swimming in the blackness. Hours, days, months, or years. I didn't  know. What I did know is when a light started to draw me in, I went to  it without a fight. No one told me going into the light would hurt.

Pain seared up my arms  when I tried to move them. Yeah not a good idea. I stopped trying to  move and I flinched in surprise when a warm hand cupped the side of my  face. I relaxed and leaned toward the warmth. I got a small chuckle in  response. I opened my mouth to speak but a finger was laid over my lips.

"Go back to sleep  sweetie." A deep honey smooth voice told me gently. The honey warmed my  body and left me tingling. Who did this voice belong to? I went over  that question until I slipped back into the blackness.

Jacob's point of view-

After Carlisle came  back, Paul, Sam and Jared let go me. Not now, not today, but one day in  the near future, that leech was going to die for hurting my Bella. I had  to set my revenge on a later date because I had to get Bella back to my  house so Dr. Fang could fix her. I wasn't going to let the others touch  her. The wolf inside me didn't want them touching her. Not now.

Now I laid on my bed  with her, waiting for her to wake up again. Dr. Fang said he wanted her  body to heal right, so he slipped her into a drug induced sleep. Her  bones would mend themselves and she'd be close to fine within a few more  hours. A few more long hours.

I couldn't believe my  Bella was wolf. When she screamed my name, wanting me to help her, it  killed me that I couldn't do anything. The whole pack knew what was  happening and it killed them too. Hell even Leah  felt bad for her.

I needed Bella to wake  up so I could apologize for not talking to her at all the past week. I  had to block her out. I couldn't risk her finding out about Edward. I  knew it wasn't my place to do that, but she just wasn't ready. She sure  as hell wouldn't be ready now.

Both of her shoulders  were deeply fractured and a couple of her ribs were broken. We still  didn't know why she got hurt in the first place. She should have been  able a landing like that with only a few bruises. Carlisle told me it  was because even though she was fully phased, her inner body structure  was still working to match the form she took on. She went from a small  girl into a large wolf within minutes. Taking a blow like that wouldn't  be easy. He figured that the next time she phased, she wouldn't have  that problem anymore.

During her time  sleeping, the guys came in and they filled the room with their concern  and worry. I never in my life thought they would get so attached to her  like they are. You could just see it in their faces that they cared  deeply for the sickly looking girl laying next me. Even Paul had a soft  spot for her. And Paul showed only to have a soft spot for my sister.

"Jacob?" Bella's sweet voice whispered. I shifted my body slowly, careful not to jostle the bed.

"Hey sleeping beauty. I  thought I was supposed to kiss you awake." I teased. She grinned a  little before opening her beautiful chocolate brown eyes to meet my  gaze.

Bella's point of view-

The moment I looked into  Jacobs eyes, my world stopping spinning. All I could see was him.  Always him. I felt my love for him deepen further and the invisible bond  we had, grow stronger. Nothing mattered more than the man in front of  me now. I could accomplish anything as long as he was by my side. I  realized that in this life, and the next we would always find our way  back to each other. We were soul mates.

"Did I just imprint on  you...?" I asked. He grinned a grin a mile wide and nodded. I nodded and  felt tears of happiness fall down my cheeks.

I tried to stretch up and kiss him but stinging pain went through my arms and torso.

"Yeah I wouldn't move if I were you." he said, bending down and kissing me lightly. I kissed him back and took his hand in mine.

"I'm hungry." my stomach starting growling, making my point.

Jacob laughed. "Alright  I'll go fix you something to eat." he kissed my forehead and got up.  Right after he left, there was a small knock on the door before the pack  piled into the room. They all settled themselves around me.

"Man Bella, you look bad." Paul said.

"You know, battle scars are sexy." Quil said winking at me. I smiled and leaned against Embry who had taken Jacobs place.

"You holding up Bella?" Seth wanted to know.

"Yeah I'm good, can't  move but I'm fine." I said. I laid there while the guys talked about  what happened after I passed out. Carlisle had come back and Jake had  taken me back to his house. He had to reset my shoulders twice because I  would start healing too fast and my bones wouldn't heal properly. Jacob  hadn't left my side until today.

"Alright guys, everybody  out. You can come back later." Jacob announced as he walked in with a  plate of scrambled eggs and sausage in one hand. The pack grumbled  before they all kissed my cheek and went out the door.

Jacob walked over and  handed me the plate. "Eat up. With all the healing you've done your body  needs to refuel." he said kissing the top of my head. I nodded and  wolfed down everything on the plate. (no pun intended) I leaned back and  looked at the empty plate. There had been food on there for 3 grown men  and I just downed in a couple of minutes. This new appetite was going  to be expensive.

"Wow. Thanks Jacob." I smiled and started to get up to take the plate to the kitchen but Jacob pushed me back down gently.

"Uh uh. You stay put." he said, taking the plate from me.

"Jake, I can do it. You  made me something to eat, the least I can do is take the damn plate  back." I protested. But he stuck to his guns.

"Bells, you need to  rest. And that's what I am here for. I'm supposed to be taking care you.  Just like you would me. Now stay there and don't get up. If I come back  and you're not in that bed, I'm gonna have to punish you." He smiled  wickedly before disappeared out of the room.

I smiled to myself  before settling back against the pillows. I yawned and decided a nap  wouldn't hurt me. I slowly brought the blankets up to my chest careful  not to move too fast before I let myself slip into a peaceful sleep.

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