Chapter 16

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Third Person POV-

Carlisle quickly took the dying boy in his arms back to his house, flitting up the stairs past his wife and family who were very much confused at why he had Jacob in his arms.

Carlisle laid him gently on the operating table and immediately started pumping fluids in him along with a very generous amount of morphine. He began to push bones back into place being more careful than he usually was due to the fact that Jacob's body had begun the healing process.

He had popped almost all the out of place bones back in when Jacob's heart stopped. Carlisle was usually a very calm vampire but when the heart monitor flatlinned, it sent the old vampire into a panic. He quickly got the paddles and began to try to get his heart to beat once more. Jacob's chest jerked and jerked until finally, the beeping started up again, signaling that Carlisle had saved the boy. Which was something very good, not to him just as a doctor, but as someone who also cared about Bella. He figured she would have felt him die and would have blacked out. In a way, it was a good thing, because then she wouldn't be stressing over the boy laying in front of him.

Right away, the vampire went back to work. Quickly and efficiently setting the werewolf's bones back into place so they could heal right. He then saw the bite on his forearm and sniffed it, but found little trace of vampire venom. Carlisle's brows furrowed together in wonder. Had Bella somehow got it out of him? He mulled over that possibility as he continued working on Jacob.

After Bella had passed out in his arms, Edward had looked to the pack of werewolves that all looked close to tears from the loss of their alpha, for help. Edward knew those boys needed a distraction from Jacob's unrighteous death. The boys told Edward that it would be best to take Bella to the Cullen household so when she woke up, she would be around Jacob.

So the boys shifted and followed Edward to his house. There was an unspoken agreement right then. One that made that stupid border invalid. The love for both Bella and Jacob made it that way. They knew that a petty feud from over a hundred years ago was something insignificant compared to the bond between the alpha and his imprint.

Once the small group reached the Cullen house, Edward gently laid Bella down on the couch and explained to his family what had happened. Alice nodded grimly and Jasper made the tension lower into a safe calm. Esme was very worried on both Jacob's and Bella's part, but having company with the appetite the werewolves had, gave her a nice distraction. With her wooden spoon in hand, she happily went to work in the kitchen, making more than enough for the pack of hungry boys.

Mean while, upstairs back with Carlisle, Jacobs body was quickly wearing through the morphine, making him drift in and out of consciousness. Each time the boy awoke it was Bella he asked for. Bella he wanted, needed.
Carlisle had finished with his bones, he had to re break a couple because he healed too fast, but other than that, there were no other complications. Though, Carlisle was curious on the vampire blood that was in his system. There was very little of it, but who knows what it could do. Would it give him vampire attributes? Or would it just continue to circulate in his veins without damage? Only time would tell, Carlisle sighed.

"Where's....Bella.." Jacobs hoarse voice broke through the vampires thoughts and he smiled gently at him.

"She's down stairs sleeping. She...fainted when she felt you...pass. Her mind shut down to grieve. I'd wait a couple days before you try and wake her up if she doesn't wake up on her own." He explained calmly. Jacob nodded slowly, wincing slightly at his stiff muscles.

"Can I...can I get" Jacob croaked.

"Of course, Esme is making food for an army, I'll be sure to have someone bring you up something. Now please, try and get some rest." He informed before taking his leave.

Jacob laid there in that god awful hospital bed, his thoughts swimming. His whole body ached massively as it slowly healed its self, and his left forearm hurt like a son a of gun. But that's not what had him thinking.
The only thing on his mind was Bella. His Bella. He could faintly remember Edward chasing Victoria from the clearing before she could do any more damage and Bella running in and phasing next to him. Then when she sucked the vampire venom from his blood. That he still wasn't sure if it was real or not, because he had felt sharp teeth sink into him and he knew that couldn't have been Bella. He also remembered the raw heartbreak that radiated off her and the all the tears that fell down her cheeks. Just thinking about it made his heart hurt. But the thing he could recall perfectly, was when he died.

He had felt himself leave his body. He had felt himself disconnect from Bella and the living world. He had felt her pain, the absolute heart wrenching pain that could put a professional torturer to shame. It was something he never wanted to feel again. He would rather break all his bones and have his fur tore off him before he would feel that again.

Jacob sighed and smelt the wonderful aroma of spaghetti. Dr. Fang sure married a good one. He'd call her Mama Vamp. He could hear her fluttering around downstairs, making sure everyone had enough to eat, before he heard her come up the stairs.
She entered the room a second later with a hefty helping of spaghetti on large dinner plate along with a tall glass of milk. Jacob licked his lips hungrily, causing a soft chuckle to come from Esme. He tried to sit up but she quick to give him a soft push back down.

"Sorry Jacob, but you need to stay laid down, I'll feed you." She gave an apologetic smile at his scowl. He wanted to feed himself, it felt weird to be fed by a vampire. But she was right. He needed to rest if he wanted to heal right. Man, since was he a sensible person?

Three days passed and Bella was still in her deep slumber. By this time Jacob was up and around, getting into play fights with Seth, but nothing too rough. Jacob had talked to Dr. Fang and got the Ok to try and wake Bella up. Both him and the boys missed her dearly.

Jacob sat next to Bella's sleeping form on the couch and took her delicate hand in his. She was oddly cold for now being a wolf which made him worry a little. But he brushed it off and closed his eyes to gently push against her mental wall.

"Bells? Its time to wake up honey. I miss you. Come on baby, wake up." He coaxed softly, but getting no response.

Minutes passed by, and Jacob was about to get up when he felt a soft squeeze on his hand. It was so soft, he almost thought he had imagined it. He squeezed back, and watched as Bella slowly opened her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, ones that were filled with wonder and relief.

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