Chapter 4

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That night after the excitement of the imprint wound down, Jake had taken me home and talked to Alice about setting up a meeting time. Much to Jacobs displeasure, it was decided that the wolves (and me) would meet the Cullens the next day at 2am. It had taken me a lot of begging and kisses to get Jake to finally agree to let me go with them.

That was 30 minutes ago. I found that it physically hurt to be away from Jacob. Before the imprint, I was just bored, now there seemed to be a heaviness to my heart when he wasn't next me. I had called him and told him about it and he told it was because of the imprint. Being imprinted made it hard for both people to not be around each other. But that wasn't the only away pain I was feeling.

The moment Jacob imprinted on me, I finally understood why I had such a strong bond with the pack. I was destined to be the alpha's mate. It was their job to love and protect me from any harm thrown our way, just as it was Jacobs job. It was also my job to love them like my own and to help lead them. Words just couldn't describe what I felt for them or for Jacob. The bonds I had with them seemed to be trying to pull me to them. A small voice appeared to say, "go to them. Stop this pain and go." I know I couldn't but I wanted to, no I needed to.

Sadly, Jacob wouldn't be crawling through my bedroom window tonight. He had to stay and talk to the council about the imprint and the threat of the new born army. It was just me tonight, or that's what I thought.

I was sitting cross legged on my bed trying to read The Hunger Games when I heard the Plink Plink of pebbles being thrown at my window. My heart sped up at thought that it might be Jacob waiting on the ground.

But when I opened my window and looked out, I found a different werewolf waiting to be let in. My heart only sunk a little knowing it wasn't Jake.

I opened the window all the way and stepped back. With in seconds Seth was in my bedroom grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey Bella!" he said, enveloping me in a bear hug. I hugged him back and felt the aching pull recede a little.

"Hey Seth. So what are you doing here so late?" I asked, not in a mean way. Not that it mattered if he had a reason. It only mattered that he was here with me and the pain was more bearable.

"Well Jake felt bad that he wouldn't be able to sneak in tonight and he didn't need me so I offered to come stay with you. Man you should have seen all of the other guys, I thought they were going to kill each other trying to get to Jake so they could volunteer!" He said with a little laugh. I couldn't help but laugh along as I pictured this.

"Alright, well I was just going to get to bed. You can sleep with me if you want. I don't mind sharing my bed with a cute boy." I said with a little wink. Seth laughed and shook his head.

"You better not let Jake hear you talking like that." He wiggled a finger at me in warning, trying to come off as serious but failed when we both burst out laughing. It was so easy to be around Seth. He reminded me a little of Jacob. He could make anyone smile with his sunny attitude.

I shook my head smiling. Seth waited until I was under the blankets snugly before he got in next to me and slung his arm over my stomach and pulled me a bit closer. To someone who didn't know anything about the situation, this would look like there was something more than friendship going on between us. It still may seem weird if someone did know what was going on. But this was Seth, my big brother (even though he was younger).

I found comfort and safety in his closeness. I knew that even though Seth was sweet and carefree, he would never let anything harm me. He would put his life on the line for me, he would die to keep his new alphas imprint safe. He loved me like a little sister, just as the other guys did. Like him, they would do anything for the pale imprintee of Jacob. He knew this because it's what he saw in their heads through the pack mind.

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