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characters relationship with y/n / who they are to him / who he is to them

chuuya: dating

dazai: dating

fukuzawa: hes your father figure

ranpo: brother

mori: one sided hatred but the hatred is extreme

elise: shes like your little sister, sometimes..

nikolai: you cant label it but you guys know eachother like the back of your hand

fyodor: same thing as nikolai

atsushi: the kind of friendship were you fucking bully and violate eachother yk?

poe: no label but he spoils you with alot of things from c.ai bots to expensive stuff bc youre important to ranpo

akutagawa: good friends (he sees you as a older brother but never is gonna say it, but you are aware)

fitzgerald: ENEMIES. never leave you two in the same room

kunikida: best friends, you annoy and concern him at times but hes okay with it since he feels sorry for you dealing with dazai more than him

fukuchi: you have a big hatred towards him but no one knows why exactly

Q: they scare you sometimes but you still "adopted" them just to spite dazai

ango: annoying and bothering him is the best way you spend your free time and he just lets you. you guys have the kind of relationship where you can rant to him about the most useless thing on call while he leaves it on speaker listening while doing his work and stresses a concerning amount.

sigma: he thinks youre somewhat insane sometimes but youre still better than everyone else to him.

kaji: you guys talk to eachother in emojis 

oda: your other father figure ..

naomi: everytime you see her and tanizaki together you are willing to spend even more money for therapy each time. "MY THERAPIST WILL BE HEARING ABOUT THIS" 

A/N: if theres any characters y/n has interacted with before that isnt here or just important characters i 'missed' its bc those i did are the only things i could come up with rn. i'll add more when i remember or come up with anything i guess

323 words

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