The Curse

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  When a person says peace and quiet the picture of something serene enters your mind yes? For a while this was true for there was no longer an ongoing war between the White kingdom and the Dark kingdom. Even though this was true there was still fear and quite an amount of it at that. Even though the war was over what most people considered to be "good" did not win. The Evil Queen was successful and Snow White was trapped within a sleeping curse where she would be held for nearly half a year.

It was within that time that I noticed things began to change drastically for my dear friend. Victoria was in more self-defense and sword lessons with Marcus and more magic lessons with her mother. Simply having Red was no longer acceptable and she had two or three guards in addition to Red. My friend may have only been seven, but even she could understand the dark era we were entering and what lay in the times soon to come.

It was about four months before Victoria's eighth year that she really understood having love ripped away from you. This was when she really went from being a princess to a future queen and ruler of the land. Her worst fear had come true and I suppose it was mine as well for there were many a time when I saw the queen that Victoria saw. Not the Evil Queen, but a mother who wanted nothing, but the best for her daughter. Like I said it was about four months before Victoria's eighth birthday the worst became true. The Evil Queen, Victoria's mother was captured.

It was on the day of the queen's perceived execution that I saw a whole new side of my friend. She became no longer one of my dearest friends, but a young ruler who was raised to defend her people and her land.

On that day Victoria was positioned to the left of Snow with her mother in the center of the arena moments from being executed. Her hands were shaking tears rolling down her cheeks there was a vulnerability to her then that I had never seen in the princess before. After the arrows are shot the small girl jumps up and with a wave of her hand the arrows are frozen in midair inches away from her mother's face. Due to this confused looks could be seen as well as murmuring could be heard throughout the arena. I could see the anger and fire burning in the young girl's eyes.

"Victoria sweetheart what are you doing?" Snow asks confused at the girl's motives.

"This is murder" she snarls "you are killing one who is innocent if you dare pierce my mother."

Snow looks at the girl completely surprised and I hear Red snicker behind me.

"What's so funny?"

"Idiots, she just called Snow and James idiots" Red replies now completely cracking up. I roll my eyes at her immaturity attempting to not begin laughing myself. It is in that moment that I look over to the queen and see a smirk on her face and I can tell she knew very well what her daughter had said.

"Victoria she isn't innocent she has taken away the lives of many." Snow explains only causing the anger within the girl to grow.

"Snow I may be young, but I am not naive I have been exposed to what my mother has done as well as the history between you and her. All though it is not my mother who I am speaking of. I am in fact speaking about myself if you hurt her you will hurt me."

Snow looks at Victoria blankly clearly not understanding what the girl was implying.

"How would executing Regina kill you?" Snow asks causing Victoria to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Snow when you were a little younger than me you lost your own mother yes?" Victoria asks rhetorically "so you mean to ask how I am different than you were? Are you simply ignoring the fact that you are executing my mother the only parent I have ever known for the sake of all that is good and fair? Open your eyes Snow!"

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