Moving On

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Right now is the beginning of what Red calls phase 2 which is why this is my part not Red's. I suppose you could say Red and Belle literally stepped out of my life. This part is mostly between the summer after my fifteenth birthday and my twenty third year so I guess you could say my teenage years.

Like I said Belle and Ruby momentarily stepped out of my life during this time and so did magic. You see Maleficent well, Melissa found out that her stepdaughter well, I had been learning magic so she wiped my memory of that one night while I was asleep so as far as knew I was a normal girl I was just Victoria Olivers. I still knew I was adopted, but my life became....normal.

Welcome to the twilight zone..........

Ok no it's not that bad. The summer before my senior year of high school Beatrix and I spent the summer together like we had for every summer since we were twelve years old(or in my case eleven). I was a month away from my sixteenth birthday and Beatrix was seventeen. Every summer we would go to her summer house in upper Maine. I was always excited for these summers because well, no school and summer was when I was able to see Jason Matthews.

He's a boy I met the first time I came up with Beatrix and her father. I was eleven years old and he was thirteen so that summer he taught me how to surf. The next year when I came back I saw him again and he challenged me to a competition and I lost that year, but the year after when I was thirteen I beat his ass and have been ever since.

On the beach every summer they have these beach sport competitions and the year I beat him Jason convinced me to enter the one for surfing surprisingly at least to me I won that year.

The most surprising thing is it wasn't a one-time thing because I kept winning. By the time it was the summer before my sixteenth birthday I was the champion three years running. Beatrix would always tease me and compare me to that girl from the Barbie movie. She would tease me by calling me the "Queen of the Waves". I would always slap her and tell her to shut up, but I suppose she was right.

I pull my long dark brunette hair into a ponytail I look over to the water and see Jason motioning for me to get my butt over there.

"Beatrix can you hold something for me?" I ask my friend.

She nods and pushes her sunglasses on top of her head "what is it Vicky?"

I make a face "you know I hate that name."

She smirks playfully at me. "Which is why I use it. What do you want me to hold?"

I pull my hearing aids out of my ears and she takes them from me. "Not water proof." I explain to her. She nods and slips them in her bag.

Grabbing my own board I chase after Jason.

"Which one?' I ask him and he points to an exceptionally huge one. I look at him surprised and he looks back smugly clearly not thinking I would go through with it. I give him a smirk and step in the water. Out of the corner of my eye I see the surprised look on face. I laugh and keep moving out toward the wave. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jason laugh and shake his head before fallowing me out.

Once I reach the wave I jump on top of my board Jason following suit close by. We stay like this for a good five minutes both trying to balance against the wave. Almost getting knocked off by Jason he looks at me smugly and tries again. This time my feet leave the board, but I do a half flip landing in a hand stand position on the board. I smirk at Jason who says something and mouths something that looks like impossible making my smirk turn incredibly smug. He laughs again and this time it looks like he says "show off". I shrug faking modesty.

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