The Break- in (Lime)

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Warning: Snogging, shirtless Wamuu and implied sex. No actual smut but I'll leave that to your imaginations, you pervs (jk)

Since Jotaro had invited both her and Wamuu around for the sumo, Roberta decided to dress up for the occasion. She let her hair down from it's usual ponytail, and settled on wearing her favourite top (the black strappy one with the little pattern of hot pink stars) and some shredded jeans, alongside a black mesh top and some pink and black stripy armwarmers. Usually she just pulled random clothes from her wardrobe and called it a day as long as they didn't clash, but today she really wanted to make an impression. Living Dead Girl appeared as she was busy shaving her legs in the shower, and raised one non-corporeal eyebrow.

"Someone's dressing up fancy." She commented, tilting her head.

"I just wanna look good, since I'm around my boss." Roberta replied, her pink hair tucked under a shower cap as she lathered her legs and underarms with soapsuds, in order to shave.

"Oh really? Then why did you drop by High Priestess on the way home from work?"

High Priestess was a lingerie boutique, know for being quirky, flirty and a little dirty. The silky black things sat in one of the store's signature purple and gold bags by Roberta's bed, and she flushed scarlet at her Stand's assertiveness.

"I just wanna feel nice, Ok?" Roberta pouted, shaving the hair off her underarms.

"You can't lie to me, I'm your soul! Just be honest... If you like that big stone goober, say so. We deserve nice things in life- like those hugs pecs of his! And did you see that arse? Man, I'd like to be HIS Aztec sacrifice!"

Roberta sighed, but her stand was right. She did find him to be pretty hot, but it was more than that. He didn't just make her flustered, he made her happy. Wamuu was like a warm blanket and a mug of cocoa after the glacier that was Mark, even if he was an ancient god who are zombies.

"Fine, I may have a teensy crush on him." Roberta said, turning her head bashfully.

"You go girl! Just be careful with him, because I don't want my user getting sawn in two."


Roberta had agreed to meet Wamuu at the museum at 8pm, where he did his usual statue-replacement trick. The museum staff didn't even notice, and the two walked along the chilly pavements to the apartment building Roberta lived in.

"So, what is this sumo wrestling?" Wamuu asked, gaining stares from humans at his decidedly weird garb.

"It's two fat guys body slamming each other, and whoever falls out the ring first loses. Also, Jotaro can talk about it for hours, so be prepared." Roberta replied.

"Fear not, I like hearing people talk about their passions. For example, when you were telling me about your job and your sports- I loved seeing you become so animated."

"You mean it? Thanks!"

Wamuu looked over at Roberta, taking in her clothes. She always wore blacks and pinks, and this outfit in particular stood out from her others. Not only that, his keen ears could detect the smooth swishing of silk amongst her garments.

A fine fabric, suitable for someone as fine as her He thought. Thousands of years ago he would've scoffed if you told him this, but the truth was undeniable.

Wamuu was attracted to Roberta.

Maybe it was her stand. Maybe it was her knowledge. Or maybe, it was the thousands of little things that made her her. Like how she always used raspberry shampoo, or how she tied her shoelaces with a double knot, or maybe even her fondness for all things creepy. He wanted to tell her, more than anything, but humans and pillar folk don't fall in love.

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