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He stood on the sidewalk at half passed three, looking at his phone in front of the building.

His phone begain to ring. He sighed and answered. "What do you want Makayla?" He asked annoyingly. "I want to see my child you prick." She said. He could tell she was smoking something. Probably in her shack of an apartment on the shitty part of town. "You almost got her raped and killed the last time you saw her. I have sole-custody. You are never going to see her again." He said stern with his jaw locked. "Yeah mm we'll see about that bitch." She said. "You listen to me, bitch. You or anybody associated with your whore of a self come near me or my daughter I will through you into prison myself!" He said stern. Suddenly the doors opened and kids ran out. He hung up the phone and put it away. His eyes scanned the kids just as he saw a blonde little girl in the mist of the crowd "Summer!" He shouted with a sigh, finally seeing the only girl in his life.

"Daddy!!" She screamed

Let's fill the holes, shall we? Riker Lynch is the bassist in the family band R5. He went out partying one night when he was 18 and ended up having a one night stand that ended up giving him a daughter. The mother didn't want her so Riker decided he was going to do everything he could to give his little girl the life she deserved. So with the help of his parents and the support of his siblings, he raised his daughter. Summer Rose Lynch.

Riker laughed with a smile grabbing her tiny waist and throwing her into the air slightly and grabbing her once more as she made contact with his hands again, he spun around a bit.

He laid her against his lower chest and they leaned away from each other to see one another better. "How was school baby girl?" He asked with a smile. "I got a green!" She smiled. "Oh that's perfect! You got green all week!" He smiled sitting her down and kneeling to her level. "You know what we have to do since you're now on summer break?" He asked. "What do we gotta do?" She asked tilting her head. "Weeeee gotta go to your grammy and pawpas house!" He smiled, she gasped. "Yay!!!!" She beamed throwing her arms around his neck, he wrapped his arm around her waist and carried her to his car. "We're gunna go around the world baby girl." Riker said as he put her in her junior car seat. He shut the door then walked around to his side and starting the car and he started the commute to their apartment.

"Daddy will you, Uncle Rocky Uncle Ratliff, Uncle Ross, and Aunt Rydel be playing??" She asked. "Yes will sweetheart, we gotta prep for our summer tour." He said glancing back at her through the rear-view mirror with a side smile. "Thank you for naming the tour after me daddy." She smiled. "You're welcome love." He said pulling into the parking space. "Okay, we're only packing then leaving okay? You can bring toys but don't stop to play with them until you are back in six okay?" Riker gave the rules. "Yes sir." She said getting out she walked around the front of the car and waiting at the driver door. Riker shut his door and locked it then took Summer's awaiting hand and walked to their door. They went in and she bolted to her room and began packing as did Riker. "Baby come here!" Riker shouted to get her to hear him. She skipped into his room and waited. "Daddy's gunna take a quick shower, if anybody you know calls, answer it okay?" He said, she nodded and took his phone into her room. She typed in his password and played his Spotify playlist as she packed.

Soon Riker got out of the shower and packed his bag then he opened his closet. He walked to the back and pulled out a button up shirt and pulled out a black tie. He stood in front of his full body mirror as he buttoned the shirt up and just as he threw the tie around his neck he saw a little pink dot out of the corner of his eye. "You ready sweetheart?" Riker asked re tying the tie, having not worn one in a while, he's almost forgotten how to. "Yes..but daddy why are you getting so dressed up? " she asked. "Well honey. When I was younger, you're pawpa taught me how to tie a tie, and for some reason daddy loved to tie a tie. So, I had your grammy buy me shirts like the one I'm wearing. In pretty much every color just so I could wear a tie pretty much anywhere I went." he explained. "You're grammy always told me that she loved it when I would wear what I'm wearing now." He said and turned around. "So you're gunna dress like you used to, to make grammy remember you when you where younger?" she asked. He smiled. "Yeah. That's what I'm gunna do." he said with a side smile. She stood there for a moment then motioned for him to kneel to her, he did so. "Grammy's gunna love it. I love you daddy." she said quietly and kissed his cheek then scurried to her room. Riker smiled the biggest smile. His heart started to beat faster as he sighed of relief letting his head fall lightly. She doesn't hate me. He thought to him self. He was so thankful that she didn't. Because yes, she was only 6 but she had (on accident) seen a little to much. So she is mature for a 6 year old. He now couldn't wait to see her.

Soon he and Summer went back to Rikers car (aka six) and went on their way. "Summer I know you're hungry but grammys got dinner in the works so eat the fruit you packed." Riker said as he started his way to his mom's house that was 45 minutes away. She nodded and snacked on her fruit as she hummed along to the radio.

Soon they arrived at Riker's parents house.

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