Chapter 11

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After we ate I had to go back to get on the bus. I had Anjelica come with me because...I want her to come on tour with me. I feel something with her. I can hardly stop thinking about her, and when I find myself not thinking of her, I think of her even more. She and I took a walk together. She agreed to coming on tour with me, then I mustered up the courage to ask her to be mine. Thank god she said yes. I was walking on clouds with her. I haven't felt so amazing.
We went back to the bus and she loaded her stuff up next to mine then we went to bed while we drove to Oklahoma.

Two days later

We all got up around 11, I let Summer stay asleep because she had a rough night last night. She got her first motion sickness so she hardly slept in her bed. She slept in my lap and woke up every two hours.
I help set up a bit then went to check on her. I slid open her curtain. "Baby girl?" I whispered and lightly shook her. She didn't move. "Summer." I said a bit louder, I herd her groan quietly. I turned her over and she was extreamly pale. I went into panick mode. I ran and grabbed my phone and called 911. I told her where I was then they showed up just after I finished tell my parents what happened. I never left her side.
All I remember is as we reached the hospital she had extreamly low oxygen level. Next thing I knew I was screaming as two paramedics held me back while the other two rushed her in. They turned me over to my parents and now we're sitting in the waiting room. Well, they're sitting. I'm pacing and unable to sit still. I've caused a seen twice because they won't tell me anything.
I'm terrified I might lose my baby girl.

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