Chapter 10

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It took one night and a few hours and boom we made it Texas. Anjelica was there visiting her family with no idea that we where coming. I had called her sister and go the address of her dad's house.

We parked the bus at the venue and I rented a car, packed up Summer and drove out to her dad's where she was visiting her sisters, brother, and nephews. Summer wouldn't stop ranting about how fun it would be for me and her to get together, give her a brother or sister, and so on. I smiled the entire way. She has such high hopes, but me and and Anjelica have only been on one date so there's still a 50/50 chance of it all.

As Summer took a small second to breath after her ranting, I finally said that we where almost there. That made her squeal in the cutest way. 

I decided since her dads house was gated and I didn't want to just roll in as if I knew the place, so I face timed her. She answered, "Hey, beautiful. what's up?" I asked. She blushed hard but out of no where, her sister that I've yet to meet came on the screen and started grilling me with questions and threats. Anjelica finally go the phone back, "She's just joking, don't listen to her." she laughed. "No it's okay." I said. "Anjelica, I have a question." Summer spoke up. "Oh hi sweetie! What's your question?" she asked. I smiled harder as she asked; "Daddy and I where wondering if this place looked familiar." she said with a giggle, Anjelica gave us a confused look before I turned the camera around showing her the entrance to her dad's house. "Oh my god." She said. She ran to the door and we looked up seeing her come out of the door in real time. I turned the car off and we jumped out. We rand and met her half way up the drive way. She jumped in my arms and I picked her up, spinning her around then setting her down, i don't know what it was but I guess we had instinct or something because we kissed each other as if we had been dating for years and haven't seen each other in a while. We didn't even think anything of it, we pulled away and she said hi to Summer then she lead us to the front door, where she stopped us. "Okay so...My family is weird and they are just...weird so keep in mind they won't hurt you but they will grill you." she laughed. "It's okay, I understand." I grinned. "Now I know they will be nice to you sweetie." she told Summer. She smiled and took Anjelica's hand as we walked in, where as predicted by her, I was attacked with questions. Her sister walked up to me and asked me what would seem to be the father's questions as in, "What's your intentions with her?", "You cheat on her?", then her brother came up to me and shook my hand then asked me questions as well.
I know I'm being grilled, some guys would make up an excuse to leave because they're so 'weird' but I'm not one of those guys. I can tell their have a comical vibe, maybe because I'm the first guy that's come around, which I don't mind, I'm sure they're nice people.

Eventually I met her father, who didn't ask me a lot of questions because her brother and sister already took care of that. The longer we stayed, the lighter the energy got. Summer fit in pretty well, she was polite if they asked her something but she sat between Anjelica and I.

Before I knew it. "Shit." I muttered. It was 30 minutes before I was set to be on stage. I told Anjelica I had to go and that she could come with me. Turned out her whole family was going, that made me happy. I wanted them to see what my family was like, as I just saw what theirs was like.

We got their just in time, I set them all up in a VIP section and I had Summer sit with Anjelica, then show began after Ryland did his set. I tried my best to put on the best show I could, as just before we walked out I told the rest of then that Anjelica's family was here. So we all where on point. I couldn't take my eyes off of her or Sunmer. The two most beautiful girls in here. No! The two most beautiful girls in the world. No one could ever top them.
They both sang every song, they danced with each other, they had their own little party, they all did. Or well...I hope her family liked it...I'm pretty nervous they won't like my line of work...
But the positive side is that the sight of my girls having an awesome time. Nothing could be better than seeing those smiles.

We wrapped up the show, threw picks, Ell gave his drumsticks away, Ryel threw the set lists, and we took our bow.

After the detox of the show, I had security bring everyone backstage. Summer ran into my arms, I picked her up, "Daddy that was awesome!!" She smiled. "Yeah, that was awesome." Anjelica said, she came up and I put my arm around her and once again, I mindlessly kissed her.
I keep saying that because we've only been on one date and we haven't talked about being more.
But right now I don't care. I'm happy to be holding them.

On another note, her family said they loved it. Which meant the world to me. After a short talk, we all decided to go this burger place her family loves called, Whataburger. None of my family has been there so we all decided to go.
All 14 of us.

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