Chapter 6

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"Daddy!!!" I herd I instantly curled up knowing Summer would jump on me (She'll jump on the place that hurts but she won't knows it hurts so I've learned to dodge her). On Que she jumped on me. "Daddy get up! Com'on wake up!!" She jumped with laughs. I rose up and scooped her my arms and acted like I was gunna eat her (always makes her laugh). She laughed her beautiful laugh until she was red. I then stopped and let her catch her breath. "Okay baby girl, It's our day, what do you wanna do first?" I asked, knowing it was probably 7 am because she wakes up around seven every morning. "I wanna eat grammys awesome breakfast." She said with the most adorable smile. "Same, lets go!" I said shooting up but stopping in my tracks because well morning man problems are suddenly worse than usual. "Uhh Summer I'll be there in a minute!" I shouted to her. I grabbed my phone then ran to the bathroom. Just started to take care of my business when my phone went off. It was a picture message from Rocky.

See if this will help it read.

I opened it and my jaw dropped. It was a picture of Angelica posing in a mirror with a blue swimsuit on. She was so close to being naked it was insane.
Just like that I was relived of my business with one stroke of the hand.

I felt slightly embarrassed because a picture of a girl I've gone on one date with made me release with extreme ease. I cleaned up and got dressed in my plaid hooded, sleeveless, shirt and skinny jeans with converse after composing myself.

I trotted down stairs and herd laughing. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rocky throwing her over his shoulder and tickling her. Her laugh is so precious. I love it. "Daddy make it stop!" she laughed "Yeah Rocky, put her down." I said and he kissed her cheek then set her down. I ran up and grabbed her like Rocky did "Cause I wanna do it!" I laughed and threw her over my shoulder. I tickled her for a second then let her hang their like my little monkey. She moved on to my shoulders and I grabbed a plate. She crossed her arms and put them on my head. "What all do you want love?" I asked her. "Pancakes." she said. "Eggs?" I asked. "Ew no." she said. "Bacon?" I asked. "Yes." she said. "What kind of fruit?" I asked. "none." she said. "No pick one." I said. "Daddy I don't want it." she said with attitude. "Don't cop an attitude with me Summer. You need the nutrition." I said a bit more stern. She climbed off me and stopped her foot at me. "No!" She said and crossed her arms. I looked at her like she was crazy. "Excuse me?"I asked, eye brows raised. "I. Don't. Want. It." She said. I could feel my parents and siblings eyes on me. She hardly does this. "Summer don't talk to me like that." I said lowly. "I don't want!!" She suddenly screamed. I slammed the plate down and looked at her. "Living room. Now." I said now pissed. She has never shown such "sass" before. "No." she said. "I didn't ask you now g-" "No." she cut me off. "Tell me no one more fucking time an I'll have your ass little girl. Get your ass in that damn living room now or you can stand in fucking corner all day!" I shouted. She rolled her eyes and walked to the living room. I walked after her. "Summer what the hell is your problem?" I asked roughly "I'm mad!" She yelled. "I can see that and you better watch you fucking tone young lady." I said trying to stay calm. "You are not being a good dad!" she yelled. "Excuse me." That hurt 20 times worse coming from the person who you're a dad to. "Whitney's dad doesn't have wired nights with a wired looking lady! He actually likes to have days with her! We don't have those like we used to!!" she yelled "Summer I'm trying okay!" I yelled back I hate you!!" She yelled and ran off. I herd a door slam.

Oh my god I feel like shit. I'm ruining her childhood. I know I'm not a "normal" dad but this is different. I'm exposing her to things that will make her hate her childhood. Not to mention...she hates me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew it was Rocky. "She's right...I am a not being a good dad." I whispered. "Riker it was one out burst, it isn't a big d-" "Yes it is." I turned around facing him. "My daughter just told me I'm not being a good dad. What bigger sign do I need Rocky?" I asked. "She's a kid Riker, she says stuff in the moment." He said, I looked off feeling tears in my eyes. "Riker honey, she was just upset." I herd my mom's voice. "So what!?" I snapped hitting a wall of where I have a sarcastic smile but tears are coming out of my eyes. "Doesn't the truth come out when you're mad? She's fucking right and I have to accept that I am ruining my only child's life over banging and knocking up a whore who totally took advantage of me, then she breaks into my parents house, ties me up, wakes my kid up and puts a fucking gun to her head." I broke saying that. I started sobbing loudly. I couldn't do anything. I could hardly breath. I fell to the couch and put my head in my hands. "I'm ruining her life." I choked out. "No baby you aren't." I herd my mother but I was hitting this wall so hard I had tunnel vision. "She's gunna hate me." I sobbed out my biggest fear. "I should have never done this." I sobbed. I put my head up but looked off so I didn't look at my mom in front of me. "I should have listened to dad. I was thinking with the wrong head that night and I let...I let a scum-bag whore take the one thing I can never get back. If it wasn't for that god forsaken whore my-my beautiful daughter wouldn't be hurting so much." I sobbed putting my head down again crying harder. "Riker don't say that. She wasn't saying those things to hurt you. She was just upset." I herd her trying harder. "Riker stand up." I herd my dads voice. "Not now dad." I said. "Stand up." I herd again. I stood up and looked at him. "You helped bring a beautiful girl into this world. Don't let her saying one mindless ruin the podium you're on. You not a father. You are a dad. Now wipe your face and go talk to her. You never let her do that. You always go after her." he said. I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

I walked to the room she was in. I tapped on the door and slowly walked in. She was sitting in a corner with her knees to her chest, I walk to her and knelt in front of her. "Rose?" I call her Rose. She doesn't let anyone else call her that. Just me.
She sniffed and looked up. My baby girl's eyes where tear stained. "Daddy I dont hate you." She said shaky. I brushed the hair out of her face. "Its okay baby girl." I said. "I'm sorry." I looked in her eyes. Her beautiful light brown eyes complimented the brown in her dirty blonde hair. She's always been beautiful.

"I'm sorry. You're right, I haven't been a good daddy." I said. "I'm going to change that. I won't let anything happen to you again." I swore. She walked into my arms and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I whispered where only she could hear. I felt her grip tighten a bit more.
I love my baby girl.

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