Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital. I started to panick.

I started to thrash but discovered I was strapped to the bed. I started yelling, "Summer!"

A lady and an obvious doctor rushed in and pressed a few buttons then she tried at calming me down but failed. I had started crying, I couldn't gain composer. "Riker, Riker calm down." He would repeat. I needed to know if Summer was okay.
He pinned me to the bed and I finally just let him. I cried as they did their jobs. I knew they gave me a small sedation, I could feel it.

I just laid there and let my tears roll. I caught my breath a little and looked over to the door. I saw Anjelica standing there. I gave a weak smile. She smiled. "You done fighting there super daddy?" She said with a grin walking toward me. I smiled closing my eyes and rolling my head straight. "I'm glad she's okay." I said, my voice horse. "How do you know that? Daddy's instinct?" She asked sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I know she's okay because you're calm." I said. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "When you're calm, I know that everything's okay." I said.

I suddenly remembered the dream I had. I lifted my left hand and looked at it. No ring...What did she mean?

I looked up at her. As I was about to ask the whereabouts of my clothes and jewelry, I noticed her wearing my hoodie. I then let my eyes travel upward and noticed she had three rings on a chain around her neck. I smiled weakly. "What?" She asked with a guessing smile. "Have fun shopping?" I asked. She looked at me confused. I lifted my hand slightly and pointed to her clothes and necklace. It took a second for her to get what I meant, when she did she jumped slightly. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry." She said and went to take it off but I stopped her. "No no no, baby its okay. You look good in it." I said lazily. This sedation is doing quite the number on me.
She smiled that beautiful smile and laid her head on my stomach. I raised my hand up and gently played with her hair.

We just stared at each other.
No words.
Just eyes.

She smiled. "What?" I asked. "You're drugged up, in a hospital bed and gown and you still look handsome." She softly laughed. I smiled and pulled her to me and laid her next to me. She caught on and kicked her shoes off then slipped under the blanket with me. She laid her head and hand on my chest and wrapped her legs in mine. We laid there for I know a good hour without word. I finally spoke up. "Anj?" I asked. She looked up. "I'm glad you're here with me through all of this." I said softly. She smiled that smile that gets me caught in a field of butterflies. "I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else." She whispered. I leaned down and kissed her sweet lips, knowing that everything was going to be okay.

Knowing that she would be my shoulder.
Knowing that my little girl was okay.
Knowing that I had a bad ass girl laying next to me and one hell of a daughter sleeping across the hospital that I will not be letting go of tomorrow.

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