When You're Feeling Confident

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Michael Myers:

When you're confident I think he would be a bit curious at first since he's always in one mood, anger, and nothing else. It's not like he would hate it, he's just curious why you are confident and what made you confident. A few head tilts will initiate but will follow you. 

Billy and Stu:

I think Stu would also be confident with you, something like... ( you bring up something) "Hell yeah!" he would say, while Billy smirks and lets you do your thing.

Jason Voorhees:

If Jason finds you confident about something about your body he'll probably stroke or hug that area, while if it's just that you are ready to take on the day or something he'll happily agree. 

Freddy Krueger: 

This man...This man would curse to himself while you bounced around the boiler room. "What are you doing" he asks, you laugh. "Having fun, why aren't you?" He'll watch you lose the energy to do anything anymore. 

Bubba Sawyer:

He'll want to dance, then we can do whatever you want to do. Even if that's just going on a shopping spree instead of a killing spree. 

Patrick Bateman:

I feel like he'll semi-pamper you.  Not exactly what you expect, more for his pleasure than yours, which will make you lose interest. 

Harry Warden:

He'd want to take you somewhere but knows he would terrify the hell out of everyone. So you two will find old miner materials or just kill, you know, a bit of exploring. 

Tom Hanniger:

(I feel like he would have moments where he'd have to control himself from being the killer he is to the regular civilian)

You'll probably slam the door to his room, while he's having one of 'those' moments, which will make him smile, anything to wipe away his thoughts. Plus, he loves your company, you just seemed to bring so much life and happiness into a room. 

Norman Bates:

He'd freak out when you grabbed him by the wrist to get him out of the motel for once. He'll become a stuttering mess but won't complain. 

(Let's say I wasn't too confident making this one.)

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