When They Lose You in a Store

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Michael Myers:

      He freaks out because he can't get security to come find you cause they'll either call 911 or won't understand his hand gestures. Then you come back with a few things and he realizes he panicked over nothing. 

Billy and Stu:

     They both glance at each other, start fighting, make up, and then say, "Let's split up!" You come back to the cart with no occupants and two stupid boys running around the store. 

Jason Voorhees:

       Jason started panicking and tried to find answers from his mother but she had no outcomes. This is why he doesn't go to public- oh there you are. 

Freddy Krueger:

       He cursed to himself that he let you escape his grasp ONCE and this is the result. He was ready to absolutely crush the cashiers to death when he was done shopping, no he did not go find you. But you came back anyway. 

Bubba Sawyer:

       He was ready to scream his head off and go nuts. You could hear his ending-life mental breakdown from across the store. You quickly ran to his side hushing him. Bubba got up and sighed a bit. You rolled your eyes over him being over-dramatic, even if he was unstable. 

Patrick Bateman:

       Patrick didn't look for you, he knew you would find him around here. He was the one paying after all. You scurried back to his side, multiple expensive clothing in hand. "All this and I'll still tear them apart," he murmured, grazing the expensively soft fabric with his thumb. You rolled your eyes. "We'll end up buying more anyway." You sighed. 

Harry Warden:

       Man is gonna go on a rampage, (Y'know, the scene in MBV when he breaks into the store before they close? Yeah...he'll do that). Though, as he is planning this genocide you run up to his side. "Sorry, I just had to grab a few feminine items," you sighed, completely oblivious to what Harry was thinking. He nods and continues with the shopping. 

Tom Hanniger:

         Worried for you. Man is praying, "What the F***, don't leave me here like this." He yells. You laugh as you jump behind him, "I'm not going anywhere" you reassured him. You wrap your arms around his waist as he takes a deep breath. "Stop scaring me," He whispers. 

Norman Bates:

       Once again this man is a fatal mess. He's looking for you every which way (You ever go insane while crying? He's doing that but without the tears). "W-where d-d-did you g-go?" He whimpers, He doesn't leave the store until he knows you are safe right next to him. 

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