Celebrating Christmas

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Michael Myers:

        You had to do the decorating yourself, Michael was confused the entire time.  Why was everything in green and red? "Michael, get over here," You said, holding a string of lights, his towering height was perfect for hanging up lights (Yes I'm going for 6'9" Michael). He tilted his head as you threw him the glowing string. You directed him where to hang them, your hands on his wrists. He pulled back a bit. "What? Oh, I'm sorry Michael," you said, Michael shook his head and lifted you up to hang the lights.  

Billy and Stu:

      They both went shopping while you decorated, and you had been done well after they came back. "Why are you lazing around!" Stu said, patting your back to get you off the couch. "I'm done! I have no other decorating to do." you smiled. Billy rolled his eyes, "Then you're gonna help us." He smirked, and you groaned as you were lifted up from the comfortable surface. The three of you exchanged gifts and laughed at jokes the rest of the day. 

Jason Voorhees:

       You sat near a fireplace singing a couple of Christmas songs, Jason walked in on you doing this and smiled. He sat down next to you. The both of you cuddled and exchanged gifts, Jason didn't have much except some items he found that you might like (things like makeup or earthy materials). 

Freddy Krueger:

       Freddy ignored the fact it was Christmas yet at the same time he got into the season at some points. You would make fun of his sweater and laugh in his face about it. "Shut up," he murmured. You hung mistletoe around the boiler room. Getting every chance you could to kiss him. 

Bubba Sawyer:

        His family held a feast and exchanged gifts. There were some inappropriate jokes at times but it was all a part of the fun. Bubba didn't mind some jokes and gifts too much but he definitely kept an eye on his family just to make sure. 

Patrick Bateman:

         He'd give you some Christmas items he found when he did go shopping. Only the items that made him think of you, some of it was way off the charts but it was fine (I guess). You gave him the expensive items which you knew he LOVED. 

Harry Warden:

         He was sort of happy, he knew you loved the holidays that had many memories. (Like Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day, etc.). He secretly went shopping for you and bought you all the things you desperately wanted. And so did you. Actually, both of you ran into each other in the same store. Shielding the presents from each other's view. And running off to get more materials. 

Tom Hanniger:

          He tried baking cookies for you, (keyword: tried). He nearly burnt the house down. You sighed and helped him clean up but other than that it was beautiful, the two of you watched the snowfall and a soft hum of Christmas songs in the background. You rested your head on his shoulder, he replied by resting his head on yours. 

Norman Bates:

         The two of you slowly danced around the motel, while 'O Tannenbaum' played. The two of you laughed as you felt like you were in a ballroom. After the song ended the two of you plopped down on the floor and chatted about your favorite Christmas scent, (Norman Is totally not gonna buy that scent for cologne).

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