They're Favorite Parts on You

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Michael Myers:

-Your hands

-Your face too (It's too pretty)

-Your lips

Billy and Stu:

-They both like your waist

-Billy likes your legs and Stu likes your neck

Jason Voorhees:

-You in general (your body, and your personality, It's just so small compared to him) 

Freddy Krueger:

-Your chest (wink wink)

Bubba Sawyer:

-Your face

-And your midsection

Patrick Bateman:

-" I guess her hip, oh, perhaps her hair"

Harry Warden:

-Your hands

-Your laugh

-Your personality 

Tom Hanniger:

-Your smile

-Your humor

-Your legs and waist

Norman Bates:

-How calm you are

-How kind you are

-Your eyes

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