Chapter 5

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Sarai accepted Quincy's outstretched hand, and together they danced across the grand ballroom floor. All eyes were drawn to them, and Sarai's sister and mother beamed with joy, their smiles stretching from ear to ear. Sarai finally looked up at Quincy, a hint of mischief in her eyes, causing him to chuckle.

"I was wondering when you would look up at me," Quincy laughed, his voice filled with playful anticipation.

Curiosity sparked within Sarai as she questioned his motives, "Why are you doing this? Why not ask my sister to dance? You don't need my permission, you know."

Quincy's gaze never wavered from Sarai's as he replied, his voice confident and sincere, "Because I wanted to dance with you, not your sister. Though she is undoubtedly beautiful, she isn't the beauty I was seeking."

Sarai couldn't help but respond with a playful remark, "Haha, you certainly have a way with words, buddy. Does it come hand in hand with your ridiculous lifestyle?"

As they continued dancing, their conversation flowed effortlessly, their words revealing glimpses of their personalities and desires. Quincy's voice took on a gentle tone as he spoke, "Sarai, I would like to court you."

Confusion clouded Sarai's face as she questioned his unexpected proposition, "Huh? Why the heck would you want to do that?"

Quincy's eyes met hers, filled with genuine admiration, "Because you are refreshingly you, and I want to experience more of it."

Sarai's voice trembled with uncertainty as she voiced her concerns, "Quincy, your lifestyle, your life... I hate all of it. It's not me. I don't want to be here or fit in here."

Quincy's response was filled with sincerity and understanding, "I love that about you. Your uniqueness is what draws me in. I want to learn and enjoy more about each other. You are funny and different, and I want to experience more of that with you."

As the music reached its crescendo, the dance came to an end, and the crowd erupted into applause. Sarai let go of Quincy's hand, creating a physical distance between them. She whispered softly, "Thank you for the dance. Enjoy your night, Mr. Cartier."

Quincy, unwilling to let the moment slip away, held onto Sarai's hand, his eyes searching for an answer. "Are you going to give me a response?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.

Sarai's gaze shifted, "Uh, I think I need to say goodnight. I have an early morning," she murmured.

Sarai walked aimlessly for a while, her mind conflicted, before finally deciding to leave with her sister. As they made their way out, Sarai's mother grew visibly upset, demanding details.

Sarai's mother couldn't contain her excitement as she bombarded her daughter with questions, eager to know every detail of what transpired on the dance floor.

"Tell me, Sarai, what happened? I want to know everything!" her mother exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Sarai tried to downplay the situation, not wanting to make it into a bigger deal than it was. "Mom, really, it was nothing. Just a dance, that's all," she replied, hoping to ease her mother's concerns.

Her mother, unconvinced, pressed further, "Just a dance? I saw the way he looked at you! Don't brush this off, Sarai. Tell me what happened!"

Sarai sighed, realizing her mother wouldn't let it go easily. "Mom, I promise you, it's not a big deal. It was just a friendly dance, nothing more," she explained, hoping to alleviate her mother's worries.

Her mother's expression hardened as she voiced her doubts, "I don't believe you. There's something more, isn't there? Tell me the truth, Sarai!"

Feeling caught in a web of secrecy, Sarai pleaded with her mother, "Mom, please, trust me. It truly was just a dance. Let's not make a big deal out of it, okay?"

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