Chapter 14

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The door creaked open, revealing the familiar face of Quincy, waiting in anticipation. The sight was unexpected, and she found herself taken aback, surprise etching itself onto her features. "Oh, hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here," she managed to articulate, a puzzled furrow knitting itself between her brows.

Quincy, seeming to pick up on her surprise, offered an explanation. "I was waiting around for you. What have you been up to today?" His tone was casual, but there was a hidden curiosity within his eyes.

Caught off guard, she fumbled for words, "Me? Oh... I was hanging out with my sister, catching up. How was your day with Cassius?"

At the mere mention of Cassius, a spark ignited in Quincy's eyes, as if a secret world was alight behind them. "At the beginning," he began, his voice a quiet rumble, " I was a bundle of nerves, round tight I had no idea what to expect. But as the day progressed, I found his calm especially with how with ease he was about everything and no pressure. We spent our time hanging out, just two guys lost in the world. We found solace in the dimly lit corners of a local bar, drowned in the raucous cheers of sports enthusiasts, and lost ourselves in the clatter of pool balls. It was a day of normalcy, a day of camaraderie, and it was fun - a type of fun that was simple and unadulterated."

Quincy paused, his gaze distant as he remembered, "Cassius was curious about me, his questions probing, seeking to unravel the core of me. He dived deep, pushing past the surface, past the shallow waters, and exploring the depths of my being. And to him, I found myself opening up, peeling back layers I never thought I would. It was an ease I hadn't anticipated, a comfort I hadn't expected."

She interjected, "Cassius is really good at making connections, that's for sure."

"Yeah," Quincy agreed, "And then we went back to his place and...we made our way upstairs and..." He trailed off, clearly nervous.

She decided to ease his nerves, "You don't have to be nervous to tell me that. I mean, I know what you guys did. Did you have sex? Did he... you know... fuck you? Did you... you know... fuck him? Tell me."

Quincy took a deep breath, "I had sex with him. I was on top. Not because I don't ever want to be on the bottom. I do. I do want to experience that. But I told him I don't want to do that until you're in the room with us because I want to share that moment with you."

Her eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of something more crossing her gaze. "With me?" she echoed, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her words hung in the air, a question and confession all at once. A soft but teasing smile played on her lips, hinting at the excitement she held back. "I mean, don't get me wrong," she continued, her tone playful yet sincere, "who doesn't want to see your sexy ass get... but I'm glad that you want me to be there."

Her words were an affirmation, a silent promise of being there for him. It was more than the physical attraction, more than the shared desires. It was the raw, undeniable connection that had been slowly and steadily building between them, a chemistry that was as intoxicating as it was compelling.

"Yeah," Quincy agreed, his voice heavy with the raw honesty of his confession. "You were a constant in our thoughts. As we were together, we found ourselves repeatedly drawn to the image of you. It was as if you were there with us, a phantom presence that was both haunting and exhilarating. We envisioned you partaking in our actions, your essence intertwined with ours. It was a fantasy that blurred the lines between reality and wishful thinking. As this shared vision of you amplified our desires, we found ourselves reaching the peak of our pleasure, our climaxes coinciding not merely in timing but in the thought of you."

She blushed at his words, "I love when two men think of me so much. It makes me tingle."

With that, Quincy leaned in and kissed her. She indulged in the kiss, letting it linger before pulling away. "Did you have a good day?" He asked.

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