Chapter 9

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On a somber Friday night, the room was suffused with the sounds of zippers and rustling fabric as Sarai meticulously packed her bags. Each item she placed in her suitcase was a symbol, a tangible representation of the life she was about to leave behind. Quincy watched from the doorway, the lines of his face etched with worry and regret.

"Where are you going, Sarai?" He asked, his voice barely rising above a whisper. Sarai answered him with silence, her focus unwavering as she continued to pack. Quincy, desperate for any form of communication, persisted, "It's been two weeks, Sarai. When are you going to talk to me?"

Sarai paused, her hands frozen over the neatly folded clothes. She turned to face Quincy, her face a mask of calmness belying the turmoil within. "About what, Quincy?" she asked icily. "About your infidelity? Your interest in men? Your lies? Tell me, Quincy, which of your sins should we discuss?" Quincy's eyes were pleading, desperate. "Sarai, you're right... I've done wrong, but please, let me explain... I'm so sorry... I..."

Sarai cut him off, her voice laced with bitterness. "Like you care, Quincy. Quite a way to show it, isn't it? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment."

Quincy seemed taken aback, "Can you at least tell me where you're going? So, I know you're safe?" "I'm going to photograph Cassius," Sarai replied pointedly, "Not that I have to tell you, but unlike you, I don't lie or keep secrets."

Quincy's face fell, "You're going to Cassius' house?"

"Yes," Sarai said, sarcasm dripping from her words, "Are you deaf?" "But, why?" Sarai sighed, her patience wearing thin. "What is your problem with Cassius, Quincy? It's always an interrogation with you." "Maybe because he's always around you, Sarai." Sarai shot back, "Quincy, the only reason I know him is because of you and your lifestyle. So, what the heck! And you know I don't care after all the lies you've given me." "Sarai, if you'd just let me explain..." "No, Quincy. Just answer me this. Who was the guy you were kissing? And don't lie to me. At least give me that."

Quincy stuttered, "I...I don't know. That's not how that club works. It's just...going with the vibe. But I have been hooking up with him for a while before we even started. I stopped going for a while. I did, but..."

"I couldn't give you what you wanted because I have the wrong parts, isn't that it?" Sarai asked.

"No! It's not like that. Trust me, Sarai. But this isn't something I can explain in two minutes."

"Why does it matter for you to explain it now?"

"Because we're married, Sarai. We need to stay married. And I care for you."

"Bullshit on the care part, Quincy. And as for staying married, I know. I figured. But I need to go. I don't want to talk about this...bullcrap of marriage and life."

"I understand," Quincy sighed.

"So, you and Cassius are friends now?" he asked, attempting to change the topic.

"Yes," Sarai replied, "He's always been honest and cool. Is there something I should know, Quincy? Because these questions tend to come up when his name is brought up."

"He's just a person. I'm just wondering about your relationship," Quincy said, his voice barely audible.

Sarai simply stared him down. After a moment of silence, Quincy admitted, "I used to have a crush on him, okay?"

"One truth, at last," Sarai responded coldly, "Goodbye, Quincy." And with that, she walked out the door, leaving a silent and empty house behind, the echo of their conversation still hanging in the air.

As Sarai's car pulled up to Cassius' house, she was awestruck by the imposing sight of his residence. It was a vast, modern mansion, an architectural marvel in shades of black, grey, and white. The structure stood out starkly against the night sky, its geometric lines and dark colors painting a silhouette of grandeur and sophistication.

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