Chapter 11

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The private room at the club was a battlefield of silence, even with the music blaring Sarai and Quincy sat opposite each other, the only sounds were of the ticking clock on the wall, each second stretching into an eternity. Quincy broke the silence first. His voice echoed in the room, a low whisper that carried the weight of uncertainty. "Are you sure you want to do this, Sarai?"

His question hung in the air, like a specter, but Sarai's retort was swift and biting, a tiger defending her territory. "And you're going to tell me, Quincy, that you don't want this? Even after you've been secretly meeting with Cassius behind my back?"

Quincy sighed, a sound heavy with frustration and defeat. His brows furrowed, deep lines etched on his forehead, a testament to the inner turmoil he was grappling with. "First, I didn't know it was Cassius.. and it was moments of weakness okay not that makes it better but at least an explanation. but this changes everything. Think about it, Sarai. What if people find out?"

Sarai's lips curled into a bitter smile. Her voice was a tremulous whisper, laced with raw emotion. "Think about us, Quincy," she shot back. "Did you think about us when you were with him?"

Quincy's silence was a deafening response. Sarai continued, her words slicing through the tense atmosphere like a knife. "Cassius is already a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. He's excellent at keeping secrets buried. And maybe, just maybe, we might find a spark of what we've been missing if we do what he suggests."

Quincy's voice was choked with desperation when he asked, "Why do you want to do this, Sarai?"

Sarai's answer was barely a whisper, a gust of wind that could easily be carried away. "Because we have nothing left, Quincy," she replied. "We're drowning in misery. Cassius... he knows how to make a person feel alive."

Quincy's words were heavy with implication, "I noticed the chemistry between you two."

"But we didn't even touch," Sarai defended herself, her voice full of conviction. "It's just his words, Quincy. They're electrifying. And I can only imagine the rest of him is too."

The following morning, their breakfast was a symphony of silence. The only sound that dared to break it was the clinking of cutlery against plates, a rhythmic reminder of the tension that hung in the air. The light of early dawn streamed in through the kitchen window, casting long shadows that danced around the room. They moved mechanically, almost in slow motion, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of thoughts undoubtedly racing inside their heads. Quincy broke the silence with a question that seemed to reverberate around the room, echoing off the cold kitchen tiles and the half-empty coffee cups. "Decision made?"

"My decision's been made since last night," Sarai replied, her tone as final as a closing book.

"Alright then, let's go."

The drive to Cassius' house was a journey through a landscape of tense silence. The drive to Cassius' house was a journey through a landscape of tense silence. The surprise that awaited them at Cassius' doorstep was a sight to behold. Standing there shirtless, clad only in tight boxers, Cassius was a vision that commanded attention. His chiseled chest and sculpted abs were on full display, the morning light casting shadows that accentuated the contours of his muscular physique. Quincy and Sarai couldn't help but exchange a quick, stunned glance as they took in the sight before them, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

"Ah, my two favorite interests gracing my doorstep at the crack of dawn," Cassius drawls, his voice a velvety purr that drips with anticipation. His gaze roams over Quincy and Sarai, drinking in the sight of them. "I must say, your swift response is more than intriguing... it's downright intoxicating."

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