Chapter 6

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Two weeks have passed since the enchanting ball, and each day Quincy's anticipation grows as he waits for a response from Sarai. But to his dismay, there is only silence. Quincy wakes up before dawn, his mind filled with worry and frustration. He can no longer tolerate the unanswered letters and messages he sent to Sarai. It's time to up the ante, to make a grand gesture that will surely catch her attention.

Quincy descends the stairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house. He sits at the kitchen table, contemplating his next move. Just as he takes a sip of his coffee, his brother Manu joins him, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Hey, Quincy," Manu says, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "You seem lost in thought. What's been occupying your mind lately?"

Quincy sighs, placing his cup down. "It's Sarai. Ever since the ball, I've been trying to reach out to her, but I haven't received any response. I need her to respond, this has to work."

Manu leans back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe she's just busy with work or something. Have you considered talking to her in person? Sometimes a face-to-face conversation can clear up any misunderstandings."

Quincy nods, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You're right, Manu. I need to take action. I've planned a surprise visit to Sarai's workplace today. I want to show her I meant what I said."

With determination in his heart, Quincy finishes his breakfast and heads out to Sarai's workplace, a charming photography studio. He decides to wear a hat initially, not wanting to cause a scene before he can speak with Sarai privately.

As Quincy enters the studio, he is greeted by a friendly staff member. "Good morning! How can I help you today?"

Quincy smiles politely. "I'm just here to see Sarai. It's a personal matter."

The staff member nods understandingly. "She's currently with a client, but I can let her know you're here. What's your name?"

"Quincy," he replies, his voice filled with anticipation.

Just as the front desk calls out Sarai's name, Quincy catches a glimpse of her walking by with her client engrossed in her work. Finally, the front desk calls out Sarai's name, and she momentarily glances in Quincy's direction.

Sarai's eyes widen in surprise, her expression a mix of confusion and annoyance. She excuses herself from her current task and approaches Quincy, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Quincy, what are you doing here? This is my workplace."

"Sarai," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "I've come to see you."

Sarai's eyes widen in surprise, her client momentarily forgotten. She excuses herself and approaches Quincy, a mixture of curiosity and annoyance in her gaze.

Sarai, you haven't responded to my letters, emails, or any other form of communication I have tried with you for the past two weeks.

I am aware that I have been busy with work, but I thought we both agreed at the ball that we wanted to pursue a friendship. Sarai says.

"I never agreed to that. In fact, follow me." Quincy says and grabs her hand outside

Quincy's grand gesture awaits Sarai outside the workplace. As she steps out, she is greeted by a scene of enchantment. The area is adorned with beautiful flowers, colorful balloons, and handwritten notes scattered around. Cameras are capturing the commotion, as curious onlookers gather to witness the spectacle.

Sarai, however, remains unimpressed and asks Quincy what all of this is about. Quincy takes a deep breath, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation. "Take my hand and follow me. I want to show you more of what I have planned for us."

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