Chapter 10

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Cassius was truly in his element, his body swaying rhythmically to the sultry beats of Ne-Yo's "One in a Million". The music filled the room, pulsating through his veins, fuelling his movements. His feet glided over the floor, his arms swayed in the air, creating an aura of euphoria that seemed tangible. His sister, Alana, walked in, her brows raised in amusement at the sight of her brother lost in the music. "So, you're dancing away because of the party tonight with Mom and Dad?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of laughter.

He laughed, "Hey, Alana. Nah, I'm not going to that. But I am excited for tonight." His words sparked confusion in her. He was supposed to accompany her to this significant family gathering. But Cassius, always the maverick, had other plans.

"You're bailing on the ball dinner party that Mom and Dad invited us to and will be attending?" Alana's voice was incredulous. "You know how important this is, Cass. You're supposed to entertain me and finally introduce me to Quincy and his wife."

Cassius shot back with a carefree shrug, "Well, I hate to burst your bubble, sissy, but that's not likely to happen. I'm sure they won't be making an appearance to that snub fest dinner party." His cryptic response ignited a curious spark in Alana's eyes. With a playful glint in his own, he unveiled his alternate plan, "Instead of the stuffy party, I've invited the beautiful Sarai and told her to bring her shy yet cute husband Quincy to my private club hangout. Cassius' voice held an unmistakable tone of excitement and mischief as he revealed his plans, his naturally flirty personality shining through.

"Why on earth would you do that?" Alana queried, her brow furrowing in bewilderment. Cassius, ever the confident and playful spirit, responded lightly, "Well, Alana, I stumbled upon a rather juicy secret, and I decided to just go with the flow." With a conspiratorial grin and a gleam in his eyes, Cassius leaned in and confessed, "So, here's the scoop. I've been hanging out with this guy at the club, right? Fascinating chap kept me intrigued for months, which you know is a feat in itself. Excellent kisser, and well, let's just say he's got assets." He paused for effect, then dropped the bombshell, "Turns out, this mystery man is none other than Quincy. And the cherry on top? His wife is the divine Sarai. Can you believe it?"

Alana warned him, "Remember the last time you meddled in others' relationships, Cass? You got hurt." He brushed off her concern, insisting this time was different. Alana then attempted to appeal to his familial obligations, her voice filled with a cocktail of concern and frustration. "Cass, you know mom and dad are really hoping you'll settle down. They've made peace with the fact that you're going to do what you want, be it with a man or a woman, but they still wish for you to give them that much - a happy, settled life. We all just want to see you in love..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Cassius, ever the non-conformist, cut her off with a flamboyant wave of his hand. With a dramatic flair and a glint in his eye, he declared, "Well, sister dear, Mom and Dad can keep dreaming their little dream. For now, and for the foreseeable future, I'm living life on my own terms, for myself."

Alana voiced her concern, "Cass, you're the first-born. They just hope you'd find someone special and give them grandchildren. You have such a big heart, you'd make a fantastic father." Cassius, with his characteristic nonchalance, replied, "Alana, darling, the notion of kids is charming, but unless I find a love so profound it shakes me to my core, I don't see parenthood in my cards."

Cassius leaned back, his eyes glinting with an almost predatory excitement. "Sarai, now there's a woman who knows her worth," he said, his voice laced with admiration. "She's comfortable in her own skin, knows exactly how to reach that pinnacle of pleasure. But I think, with a little help, she could explore even more. I plan to guide her, help her unlock even more depths of her own desires."

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