chapter fifteen.

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"𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚, 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂 𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓,"

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"𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒃𝒐𝒅𝒚, 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂 𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓,"

[𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧]

after jungkook explained himself, it was easy for them to fall back into the easy rhythm and developing friendship they had going.

for taehyung easily forgave the younger for his avoidance, and the two quickly got back on track concerning the artwork.

"have you added anymore?" jungkook asked, looking up at the handsome artist as they walked through the parking lot, having decided to work on the painting that same day. "t-to the painting?"

"hm?" the artist looked down at him; raising a soft brow with a small smile twitching at his lips when he saw the flushed cheeks and cold-bitten nose of the younger man. "and how would i add on without my muse to reference from?"

"o-oh..." jungkook blushed softly, looking down at his fingers. "well, uh, how long... do you think it'll take?"

"perfection takes time, dear." the older man said simply, gesturing for jungkook to keep walking, sparing a side-glance in the younger's direction. "and i do plan to make this piece as perfect as i can. afterall, the model is a beauty, how could i not refer to that beauty in my work?"

jungkook grew silent as his footsteps came to yet another stop, his cheeks warm as he felt the artist's slender fingers curl under his chin, gently lifting his head so their eyes met.

taehyung had a fond look in his eye; a soft twinkle as he tickled the younger's chin, amused as he grabbed his hand, the contact making warmth form between them as he ever-so-gently tugged the brunette in the direction of his car. "come on, jungkook-ah, i assume you're quite cold?"

jungkook gulped, quickly walking alongside the other as they made their way to the artist's car. "i-it is a bit cold..."

taehyung swiftly unlocked it and opened the passenger door; holding it open with a small smile. "in you get, little one. the seats are heated."

jungkook mumbled a timid 'thank you' and sat down before the artist closed the door; instantly relaxing his tense form as the warm seat made contact with his back.

once taehyung got into the driver's seat, he buckled up and started the engine. "do you want to stop for food on the way, or order in?" he asked, adjusting the view mirror as he began to pull away from the parking lot. "i can cook, if you'd prefer but you'll be stationary for hours, i wouldn't want you to get queasy."

"i could help you cook." jungkook answered, giggling slightly as he leaned back, embracing the warmth of the heated seats on his form. "i don't mind... i like cooking! i'm, uh, not very good, but-"

"home made food it is." the artist mused, his eyes on the road as he drove. "so, tell me more about yourself, jungkook-ah. we haven't really had a chance to chat properly, have we?"

"o-oh, of course!" jungkook shifted slightly in his seat as the older man drove, his doe-eyes staring outside he window as the naked trees flew past. "well, i'm twenty two, as you know, and i studied literature at seoul university. i also work in jin hyung's cafe."

"ah, so you're a man of culture." the artist teased through a soft chuckle, glancing at him with a playful, barely there smile. "that explains your interest in art, too i suppose. is there any particular genre or author you're into? i have many book i'd be happy to lend."

"uh, well, i like classic literature a lot." jungkook admitted, turning his head so he could look at the artist. "jane austen, the brontē sisters, and of course, shakespeare... i find the complexities of human relations so... facinating."

"excellent choices." taehyung nodded, appreciatively as he stopped at a red light, his hands remaining on the steering wheel as he let his gaze roam around the wet street before them.

"there's a timeless beauty in classic literature. i see that you're quite similar to me, jungkook-ah, in a way. perhaps that is why jin hyung introduced us to one another." he breathed, chuckling slightly. "any hobbies?"

"perhaps so." jungkook grinned, the warmth in the car extending beyond heated seats. it was nice to have a proper conversation with the older man. "i enjoy photography. i'm not a pro or anything, just a hobbyist. capturing moments as stills feels like freezing a piece of time. i'm quite partial to gardening, too, i suppose."

"that's poetic." the artist looked away from the younger man with a genuine smile, starting to drive as the traffic light slowly turned green. "i'd love to see some of your work sometime... perhaps i could share my own, too."

jungkook bit down on his bottom lip, his top teeth sinking into the soft flesh as he turned his head towards the window to hide his grin. "i'd love that."

as the front door opened; the two men entered the foyer and taehyung gently tugged jungkook's coat from him, hanging it up on one of the hooks, before removing his own. "make yourself at home." the dark haired man gestured. "i'll cook, and then we can get on with the painting... what food do you like?"

"anything, i-i'm not picky." jungkook thanked him and looked around in awe; never failing to be enamoured by the sheer beauty of taehyung's home. the furniture was a mix of modern and vintage, blending so well that it screamed kim taehyung.

the floors were white marbled, the staircase being made of white stone with intricate carvings in the wall on the way up. there were beautiful plant pots and paintings that lined the corners.

a loud barking made the artist breathe out a chuckle, and he cooed as the little pomeranian pawed his way towards them, running on his little legs to greet the two men.

"yeontan, my darling pup." taehyung gently scooped him into his arms and walked through the home to the kitchen, jungkook timidly following behind. "have you missed me, hm? look who i've brought back." he gently tugged jungkook forward, smiling softly. "he likes you, jungkook-ah."

"i like him too." jungkook cooed, adoring the tiny puppy with a soft smile as his gaze flickered up to the artist's. "it's lovely to meet you, yeontan."


They're so cute


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