chapter thirty five.

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"𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒚, 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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"𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒚, 𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕."

[𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞]

it was about 9pm, the stars bright and the moon shining ofer seoul as jungkook walked alongside taehyung, hand in hand as they made their way back to jungkook's apartment.

the city was never asleep; for the roads were still busy even at this time. jungkook gently swung their hands as they walked, looking down at their feet. "my apartment isn't as... big as your place," he timidly pointed out. "s-so..."

"even big homes get cold and lonely." the artist chuckled. "i'm sure yours is lovely. besides, i need to meet coco, don't i? i didn't see her that time i came in for coffee."

"yeah," jungkook's eyes lit up.

as they strolled through the streets of seoul at night, the city came alive with a vibrant energy that was uniquely its own.

neon signs adorned the facades of buildings, casting colorful reflections onto the pavement below, while the soft hum of traffic filled the air with a comforting buzz.

the bustling streets were lined with rows of shops and restaurants, their windows aglow with warm light, inviting passersby to step inside and escape the chill of the night air.

poeple moved about with purpose, their silhouettes illuminated by the soft glow of street lamps, their voices mingling in a melodic symphony that echoed off the walls of the surrounding buildingsj.

above them, the night sky stretched out in a vast expanse of darkness, speckled with twinkling stars and the occasional wisp of cloud drifting lazily by. the moon hung low on the horizon, casting a silvery glow over the city below, bathing everything in its ethereal light.

despite the late hour, seoul was alive with activity, its streets teeming with life and energy. couples walked hand in hand, their laughter floating on the breeze, while groups of friends gathered on street corners, lost in animated conversation.

the city pulsed with a sense of possibility, each corner holding the promise of adventure and discovery.

as artist and muse made their way through the bustling metropolis, they couldn't help but be swept up in the magic of the night. as they walked through the streets of seoul at night, the crisp autumn air carried with it the scent of fallen leaves.

with each step they took, the vibrant colors of the season were crushed beneath their shoes, the sound of rustling leaves filling the air.

the sidewalks were adorned with a carpet of red, orange, and yellow leaves, a stark contrast to the dark pavement beneath their feet. andn every now and then, a gentle breeze would stir the fallen foliage, causing it to dance and twirl in the air before settling back down once more.

jungkook couldn't help but smile as he kicked at the leaves, sending them swirling around them in a playful flurry. taehyung laughed, joining in the impromptu dance as they made their way through the city streets.

"it's like walking through a painting," jungkoon beamed, his eyes shining with childlike wonder as he watched the leaves dance in the moonlight. "isn't it?"

the artist nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the colorful tapestry that lay at their feet. "autumn really is the most beautiful time of year."

as they continued on their journey to the younger man's apartment, the leaves whispered tales of seasons past, their vibrant hues a reminder of the fleeting nature of time.

ans beneath the starlit sky, the two found solace in the simple beauty of the world around them, grateful for each moment shared amidst the falling leaves of autumn.

taehyung squeezed jungkook's hand just a little bit tighter.

and jungkook squeezed his right back.

the soft click of jungkook's front door was followed by a soft sigh as the brunette shrugged off his coat, toeing his shoes off while taehyung dud the same. the warmth of the apartment soothed their cold skin, the smell of warm vanilla filling their senses.

"so... coffee?" jungkook asked, sheepishly.

"yes." the artist just smiled, nodding as he let jungkook grab his hand and guide him down the hallway towards the kitchen. "sounds lovely."

taehyung's eyes roamed the hallway of jungkook's apartment. there were shelves on the wall with ti y little plants, and the walls were lines by photo frames that contained various photos; both of people and what seemed to be jungkook's own.

"you kept it?" his gaze fell on a familiar photo as he stopped walking. "jungkook-ah?"

"of course i did..." jungkook looked back and blushed softly, his gaze landing on the framed photo. it was the photo that the artist had taken of him on their first hang out, back in the au flower field. "you took it... so why wouldn't i?"

the artist just smiled widely, his eyes crinkled and warm as he followed the younger man into the kitchen. a soft squeak filled the air as jungkook approached a little cage. inside, was a small brown blob of fur, coco the bunny hopping and her pompom tail wiggling as she saw her owner.

"coco~" jungkook cooed. "meet taehyungie hyungie hyung."

"hyungie hyung?" the artist chuckled, leaning ofer to look at the bunny in wonder. "that's very-"

"i always baby talk coco." jungkook protested, his cheeks dusting a soft pink. "i-i've heard how you talk to tannie, too! so don't tease."

the artist just laughed, charmed by jugkoook's affection for his furry friend. "fair enough," he conceded, reaching out to gently stroke coco's soft fur. "hello there, coco. I'm jungkook's taehyungie hyungie hyung... he's spoken a lot about you, it's nice to meet you."

the little brown bunny hopped closer to the edge of her cage, her nose twitching curiously as she sniffed at taehyung's hand. jungkook grinned, delighted by the bunny's playful antics.

"looks like she approves of you," jugkook remarked, his eyes sparkling with fondness as he watched coco interact with the older man.

"i'm honored," taehyung replied, his smile warm as he straightened up and turned his attention back to the younger. "so, coffee?"

jungkook nodded eagerly, moving to the kitchen counter to fetch the necessary ingredients. the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee soon filled the air as jungkook worked, his movements fluid and practiced as taehyung watched him in his element.

as the coffee machine hummed softly in the background, taehuyng leaned against the kitchen counter, watching jungkook with a soft smile.

despite the events of the past few days, there was a sense of ease and contentment in the air, a feeling of being exactly where they were meantj to be.

and as they sat down together at the kitchen table, cups of steaming coffee in hand, taehyung couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of simple joy shared between them.


i wanna focus on making their relationship slowly form... i'm too excited :)


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