Birthday Girl

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"This is lovely, Elouise. Thank you." Thirty minutes after she had shown up I was dressed and we were having a coffee downstairs at the breakfast bar. The gift basket she had brought was filled with all things girl. Bath bombs, lotion, bubble bath, soap...She had even managed to stuff some little wines in there and a gift card to get a mani/pedi.

"You mentioned your birthday at lunch the other day. I would have felt bad if I didn't pick something up for you. Also gave me an excuse to come over and ask about your date with Jamie. Spill."

It hadn't been a date, it had been drinks, and I had made sure all parties involved knew that. But I let her word choice go and smiled. "It was a great time. He was very sweet and chivalrous the entire time. We kissed. Once..."

Elouise frowned. "Just once?" I took a sip of my hot coffee before answering her.

"Yes, just once, when he walked me to the front door. I know it seems a bit strange considering but God, El, it was a damn good kiss. So good that I came right inside and had a little one-on-one time with my vibrator." I blushed along with that confession. There had been some very dirty things going on in my brain.

With that information, a look came over El's face and she wiggled those eyebrows. "You nasty girl."

"I know, I know. Bad behavior...he is just so perfect." And he was. Perfect...and safe.

"Uh, yea, he is." Before I could really think about it or entertain the thought, the doorbell rang. Great. There were literally a handful of people who could be here... "Gonna grab another cup of coffee." Elouise announced when I slid out of my seat and started out of the room.Lucky. More than one cup and I would be wired. 

I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the door and didn't know the people on the other side. "Beverly Marsh?" One said. I would have been concerned hadn't they been holding a very large bouquet of red roses in a glass vase and a long wrapped box. So I settled with just nodding. "Delivery."

I ushered them in-because hello like I could carry that-and had them set it on the coffee table. When I tried to offer a tip, the one that seemed to be "in charge" just smiled politely. "The tip has been taken care of. Have a nice day Ms. Marsh and happy birthday." Just like that they were gone as fast as they had come.

Elouise had made her way into the living room with a fresh coffee during the exchange. Now she gave me a sideways look, the infamous brow lifted. "Wonder who that could be from." In a perfect, safe world, it would be from Jamie. But unfortunately I knew exactly who had these things delivered. I just sighed heavily and stared down at the box wrapped in a bow. "Gonna open it?" No. What I wanted to do was send it all back.

But in the end I just scowled down at the delivery. "White roses would have been better." I mumbled as I took a seat on the couch and Elouise followed suit. There was little to no enthusiasm as I pulled the red bow free and lifted the lid. Inside was a bottle of wine and a squared, wooden box...annnd two note cards. The one beside the wine read Don't drink it all in one night and the one that lay on top of the wooden box said, Happy birthday, Beverly.

There was no mistake, these things were from Alex. He was the only person in the entire world who cared about how much I drank. It was annoying. I easily flipped the lever on the wooden box and opened it up.

I wasn't sure if the gasp that suddenly filled the silence was from me or Elouise. Probably from both of us. Inside was a white sapphire, rose gold choker with earrings and a bracelet to match. It was absolutely gorgeous. "Okay...if you don't marry that man..." El finally broke the silence and I found myself scowling at her.

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