Advice Comes Knocking

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**Updated 1/19/2024: Format changes/Cover Picture Origin**


The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast food. I laid in the middle of the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Was this going to be his attempt at an apology? Was I going to find flowers and jewelry? The thought was exhausting and I sat up to look around the room. No flowers, no jewelry. Good.

But there was a note on the bedside table that was folded perfectly...and the damn ring. I sighed softly as I reached over and snatched up the paper. The ring was staying. It was going to be sitting there when I was long gone too. I flipped the note open and read it:

There are flight details in your email. I know I was a jackass and I'm sorry. I hope you'll still be there when I return tonight. If not I understand. I love you, baby. -A

The words written in black ink had me scowling. "Damn it..." I groaned and placed it back where I had found it. Don't give in, Beverly. I had no intentions of it either. Before I did take my shit and run I needed a shower...and whatever was being cooked in the kitchen by Rita. On my way to the bathroom, I stopped where my phone was charging on a table between the bathroom and closet.

Indeed, there was a flight itinerary in my email. It was taking off at three this afternoon. If I got my butt in gear I would have plenty of time to shower, eat, and make it to the airport. I went straight to the shower and took advantage of it like I had the morning before. Sucked it would be my last time using it.

Once I was done, wrapped in one of the thick soft towels, I went to the closet and dug out something comfortable to wear on the plane-complete with socks and boots. It was going to be significantly more cold back home than here.

As expected, Rita was in the kitchen when I made it to the front of the condo twenty minutes later. She was fast at work, wiping down the counters and stove. "Oh...Good morning, Miss Gray. Come sit. I made you breakfast." She pulled a plate from the oven and sat it on the island in front of a stool. With pleasure.

I went to the spot and sat down. It was kind of a little feast; two different breakfast meats, eggs, toast, hashbrowns and it was complete with a small bowl of fruit. She even went as far as bring me a glass of OJ and a cup of coffee. "Thank you, Rita. This looks amazing." I hadn't changed my mind but Rita was giving me a good ass reason to reconsider the marriage.

"Of course, Miss Gray. I'll be down the hall if you need anything." Then she was gone.

There was a wall between the kitchen and dining area that had a small TV mounted. I started eating and tuned into the news that was on. Somewhere down the hall a vacuum came on, muffled by a closed door.

The breakfast was just what I needed; seasoned and cooked to perfection. I didn't know how hungry I was until the plate was almost clean. Talk about a food coma. I made sure to take all of the used dishes to the sink and rinsed them myself.

I was on my way back down the hallway, ready to order an Uber, say goodbye to Rita, and get out of dodge when the doorbell rang. I would have left it for Rita to answer but the vacuum cleaner was still trilling. So I backtracked and went to the front door-answered the damn thing like I owned the place.

I quickly came to regret it. Elana was standing on the other side.

Just what I didn't need.


"Thank you, Rita." I found myself saying to the housekeeper for the second time as she sat two long stemmed wine glass on the dining table. It was barely after eleven am and I did have a flight to catch but I didn't care. I was going to need something a lot stronger than coffee to get through another conversation with Elana.

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