The Past Comes Knocking

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I would never admit it to anyone-save Beverly-but insisting that Rita take the day off to run personal errands or relax or whatever the hell her heart desired had been one of my hardest battles and biggest accomplishments yet in life. 

"I'll be going to work for a few hours and I'm sure Beverly has things she needs to do today. We can feed ourselves and you have to admit, the place is spotless." Is what I had said to her right before I won. I did have a meeting this morning, that was true. What was a lie was me being "sure" that the woman still sleeping in my bed had anything planned today. 

Rita had stood there for a few seconds, clutching a dish towel in her hands and looking unsure about it if the condo would go up in flames if she wasn't there to sweep away a dust bunny. "Well alright then, Sir. If you insist." Rita had said finally before folding her towel neatly and disappearing down the hallway. 

I took my time in the kitchen-mostly because I hadn't really cooked anything since college and didn't want to burn breakfast and a little because I wanted to make sure Rita actually took advantage of her day off. I was placing everything neatly onto a breakfast tray when Rita reappeared and nodded her goodbye on the way out. From there, I took it all down the hallway, to the bedroom. 

When I had left earlier, Beverly had been sleeping she was sitting up against the pillows, hair messy from sleep, and was doing something on her cellphone. Beverly was perfect to me, all dressed up or just waking up. I'd gone into this with the intention of getting her and keeping her for myself and I was going to keep the mindset for as long as I had her. If that meant feeding her breakfast in bed, keeping no secrets, and trying not to act like a complete ass, so be it. 

"Wow...what is this?" She smiled over at me as I came into the room, wielding the tray, and whatever had had her attention on the screen of her phone was suddenly not as important. I returned the smile as I made it to her side of the bed and sat the tray onto the bedside table. 

I took a seat on the edge. "Breakfast. You have no idea how hard it was getting Rita to take the day off. Good morning, Fiancé." 

Beverly's smile widened, surely proof that she liked my choice of words, and leaned forward until we were kissing. It was the perfect example of a kiss that could only be shared between a man and a woman in a bedroom. I hated that she pulled away-only enough to speak. "Good morning." 

"Let's keep doing that..." I suggested and kissed her again. It was a kiss that promised fulfillment if she would allow it. Beverly didn't allow it. When she pulled away from me, her cheeks had darkened several shades and she licked her lips. 

Then she was shaking her head and letting out a little laugh. "Not a good idea. You know what that does to me, and it's not a good week." I watched her grab the glass of orange juice from the tray and take a drink. 

As if that would stop me..."Remember when I told you that nothing you say or do will scare me away? I think that also constitutes what comes out of your body. Your period is the least of my worries, Beverly," I replied. She blushed deeper at that, her eyes widening, and again, she licked her fucking lips. 

"Slow down, Sir. I'm down to consider whatever you want to try but there are some things that are a hard no." For now...maybe later we would revisit the idea. For now I let it go now matter how much it pained my dick. Beverly took another drink and went for the toast next. "So...I'm going back home tomorrow and I was thinking maybe we could do something with the twins this afternoon?" She asked once she was a few bites in. 

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