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After the fight, Henry was socially exiled. He was a bully, so he couldn't be friends with almost anyone. It wasn't like he could apologize for what he had done anyways, people either feared or hated him. Most hated him.

Henry viewed isolation as his only clear option. Any other path had room for failure. Sure, he got bullied after the fight, but he was used to that by now. Despite him being friends with Drew, people didn't not bully him. They just kept it on the low, out of sight of his previous friends.

Henry stopped talking entirely, merely raising his hand when his name was called.

He stopped eating, at least in front of others. Eating is a social activity, since Henry socially isolated himself, he stopped it.

It hurt him at first, seeing others have the social lives he lost and oh so desired. But he eventually got used to not talking.

Teachers began to grow concerned however. Henry used to be a happy goofball, but he was a shell of himself. The only remnants of his old self being his hair color.

His eyes had changed, the usual bright lime turning a dull dark gray. His clothing changed too, his usual green jacket replaced by a black sweater. Essentially, every defining feature besides his hair had been turned or replaced with a greyscale color.

People avoided him, and he avoided them. It was easy for Henry to isolate himself, he just had to avoid situations where he had to talk and that was it.

The thing about isolation is that you eventually start going insane from the lack of human contact. Humans are naturally social animals, and lack of social interaction affects them mentally. Henry is no exception. The lack of positive human interaction started making him go mad.

His decisions were affected greatly.

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