Now (Part 1)

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This day was one Henry dreaded. He was, so far, doing a good job at hiding his injury. Up until now. The pain was killing him, and he knew that he physically couldn't hide his limp any longer. No matter how hard he tried.

He shook his head, he couldn't do anything. Not now, right before Liam usually arrives. Henry tested out how much weight he could put on his leg, which unfortunately wasn't a lot. He had managed to get the bullet out (it wasn't imbedded too deep thankfully), but there definitely was a lot more damage than before.

He didn't have much time to dwell on it however, he could hear Liam's footsteps now. Liam was definitely still far enough away that Henry could try and pretend he wasn't going insane trying to hide his injury.


Liam opened the door without knocking, surprising Henry.

"Dude! Knock next time!"


It was an awkward few minutes of silence. The breaking of it being more sudden and uncomfortable for the both of them.

"So... How's it been?" Liam asked nervously.

"So far so good, it's slightly lonely but the animals give me good company."

Liam stayed silent for a bit, before finally asking, "I'm curious how that works? Like, I can understand you but you're still obviously speaking a different language."

Henry held back a sigh of relief. He didn't need to explain his injury.

Not now.

A/N: sorry for the late upload I'm out of the loop

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