Hunting Day

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A/N: I don't know how hunting works.
TW for guns and stuff

Henry's head pounded from the ringing in his ears. Having extra-sensitive hearing really was simultaneously an inconvenience and good in the situation he was in.

Gunshots rang out, thankfully getting farther away as Henry ran. He wasn't sure if it was hunters or something else, all he knew was that he needed to get away.

It was too late for it to be hunters, but Henry didn't know who else would be actively trying to kill deer. Maybe conspiracy theorists, Henry thought, But why would they be trying to kill him?

He had no time to dwell on the thought as he began to hear footsteps and barking.


Henry's fear pulled into overpower as he took off from behind the tree he was hiding behind. He put as much energy as possible into making his footsteps as quick and quiet as possible, he couldn't risk a bullet. Not now.

Soon the noise died down, and Henry finally relaxed a little.


Pain shot through Henry's leg

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