Growing Uncertainty

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Liam sighed as he scrolled mindlessly on his phone. He hadn't found anything regarding what the heck had been happening to Henry. All he got were conspiracy theories from genuine nutcases about the government. Nothing at all relating to the forest and what causes everything that enters for an extended period of time to start morphing into something else. At this rate, he might as well just ask Henry himself. Too bad he was known for being a stubborn ass bitch.

He figured that he might as well just stop trying to find anything. It might as well be that this whole weird forest that transforms everything that enters it into something horrifying is exclusive to their town. At least to the best of his knowledge it was.

There was a sense of dread that lingered however, a sense that something was wrong. No matter how much he tried to take his mind off of it, Liam couldn't stop thinking "Something is wrong."

A growing uncertainty that Henry wasn't okay.

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